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Everything posted by Dunny

  1. I'm not a pusher, I'm happy if he's happy. His Grandfather on the other hand...
  2. He's 4, turning 5 in January. He's in Timbits.
  3. Boy had first practice this morning, after examining the video I predict a 1st rounder in 2026. The way he got up after falling down 20 times was simply sublime.
  4. I think I'd like to do this: http://www.torontosun.com/2013/08/31/guelph-family-lives-like-its-1986
  5. Your minor sports systems are completely fucked. Completely. You're School based programs are phenomonal however.
  6. Oh fuck off, he should go the Major Junior route!!1!1!!
  7. We used to play traveling Euro teams in Pee Wee. Danish in my case.
  8. My dad was a goalie, I was a goalie, brother is a goalie. He will not be a goalie.
  9. Son gets fitted for skates next week. 4 years old. Hopefully the start of some great memories.
  10. I just heard that Washington gives Egypt 1 Billion a year in MILITARY aid.. That could pay for a lot of maternity leave.
  11. How did you guys miss the boat on that?
  12. Maternity benefits are worth having kids for. That's all.
  13. I just saw a guy get 2 fingers ripped off. Looks like medium ground beef. Gruesome.
  14. The US doesn't give a fuck about hockey either.
  15. Just remember, there's a reason that Sidney Crosby gets paid like a 4th starter.
  16. Baseball is the best sport. Not even close. It get's boring watching I'll admit, but only when you're watching or rooting for just your team. Once you realize there's actually 18 different games going on at once it never gets boring again. It's just a constant stream of new data, something no other sport really has.
  17. Well I watched Overbay, Nix and Wells everyday for a long time too. Can't say I blame ya.
  18. US is good. Really good. Definitely a top 20 side.
  19. I can remember the #'s of all the girls I called from ages 13-18 but I can't remember my wife's cell #. Same one she's had since we've been together, 7 years. And I'm oddly pleased.
  20. Physically? Of course it does. I sit 75% of my day, always the easiest part. Mentally, of course it doesn't.
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