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Shane Falco

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Status Updates posted by Shane Falco

  1. Consider it done sir. I sent you a request under SHANE FALCO. I go through a bunch of aliases. That's the current one for now lol. We'll game later.
  2. Consider it done sir. I sent you a request under SHANE FALCO. I go through a bunch of aliases. That's the current one for now lol. We'll game later.
  3. Indeed sir. I play pretty much every day. Sup?
  4. Indeed sir. I play pretty much every day. Sup?
  5. Do you have the spiderman .gif? I've never seen it. :D
  6. Do you have the spiderman .gif? I've never seen it. :D
  7. Big contracts brings big expectations. It's just the nature of the business. Fans will always find someone to rag on. He's got a bullseye on him because of all the hype that came with his signing. He's not playing great hockey but it's obvious he's contributed in other vital areas. New team, new location. Expecting a world class performance from the guy already is unfair. My opinion isn't going to change just because we have some disgruntled fans. He's been clutch numerous times (especially during the Winter classic) which to me, is just a fraction of what this guy brings to the table.
  8. Big contracts brings big expectations. It's just the nature of the business. Fans will always find someone to rag on. He's got a bullseye on him because of all the hype that came with his signing. He's not playing great hockey but it's obvious he's contributed in other vital areas. New team, new location. Expecting a world class performance from the guy already is unfair. My opinion isn't going to change just because we have some disgruntled fans. He's been clutch numerous times (especially during the Winter classic) which to me, is just a fraction of what this guy brings to the table.
  9. I now frequent this forum more than any other. Thank you for making procrastination a dominant force in my life.
  10. I now frequent this forum more than any other. Thank you for making procrastination a dominant force in my life.
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