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Everything posted by goondman

  1. This almost reminds ne of what the Sabres did to the Flyers during the 2005=2006 play offs. Remember who the Savres head coach was then?
  2. I know what you mean. I used to buy centerice during the playoffs; much to my wife's consternation! She refused to be around me during that time of year
  3. Wow, almost identical on my end. Although I didn't start paying much attention until laye teens/early 20's. The whole reason I started liking them in the first place was the bed sheet I inherited from an older brother. I'm burnt out tho! Don't know how much more NYR gas is in the tank. Are you still in California? We moved to Ohio back in December
  4. Wouldn't that be great! Just imagine Dolan's dumass stomping down from the press box and sending him on his way
  5. I was gonna bring this up the other day, as i was thinking the same....
  6. I/we know how you feel! Just breath bro, everything will be ok
  7. Anyone else have a nagging fear, that ugly green monster known as first period blah will show up today?
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