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Everything posted by 4EverRangerFrank

  1. Funny thing - every once in a while I remind myself that NYR have #1 Draft Pick...and suddenly the sun shines bright on the world!
  2. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Very dense reading with a ton of information and examples. I'm half-way through and will push on to the end.
  3. Giants-Mets-Jets-Red Bulls-Knicks...about all one NY fan stomach can take. They had a shot in the waning seconds to pull victory from the jaws of defeat. But alas, no such miracle.
  4. OMG yes! Did I read correctly? 6 goals in 7 games? Awesome for the kid.
  5. My nephew attends Bronx Science. We'll see how this all plays out but he was telling me recently that if they attend in person, he gets his usual AP curriculum. But if they had to go virtual, the curriculum would revert to the 'standard' state mandate for his grade. Kid taught himself an advanced math class this summer in order to prepare for what he knew would be a challenging course. Now, he's facing the prospect of having to take a class he already finished two years ago. The lack of preparation by those in charge for all students is deplorable.
  6. Belated Happy B-day, bud! :cheers:
  7. IDK guys...seems like I'm the only one buying stuff and spending that loot. If it truly is more money than you can ever spend, why not use it? I agree that $1-2 million doesn't change your life much, but $30-50M? $100-200M? I'm not saying a 123-room mansion makes any sense at all and by all accounts is pretty much unlivable but you do keep the economy moving with all the staff and maintenance help. 56,000' Home takes an army of help to run. https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-it-takes-to-run-spelling-manor-the-disneyland-of-private-homes-11591800016
  8. What?s happening is unconscionable but I?m not surprised. I?ve written here before about spending 13 years as a junior high teacher in NY. One of the many things wrong with education management is that few are qualified to lead by way of training. Classroom teacher ?> Assistant Principal ?> Principal ?> assistant Superintendent?> Superintendent. The education steps along the way are very light on management and leadership training/education. It?s no wonder to me that we are ?here? with such a mess to be figured out at this late stage of the game.
  9. MacTruck is a warrior in the game and rightfully deserves his name in the Cup. Convince me otherwise.
  10. Fantastic seeing Isles go down. Yes!!!!! Ryan Thornton-beard McD playing in his second Cup finals - nice.
  11. Taking games off? He does that? *sarcasm* Maybe, just maybe, the "C" would be a motivation to step up regularly. I would not be disappointed if he became our Captain but over Zib? IDk about that.
  12. Heading to the second OT tied 1-1. Very entertaining first OT where either team could have scored.
  13. I don't know if I can add another disappointing team...my stomach hurts enough. *sighs*
  14. Way back when, you could buy a 'lifetime' subscription for the car. I think I paid a 1-time fee of $320 or so and kept the car ten years. The next guy will get SIRIUS forever too. (They don't offer that any more. I asked.) As for the thread premise? What would I NOT buy? Geez IDK. I could easily spend $100Million in a month between property, cars, a boat and a NetJet account...farg this is tough. I wouldn't buy fruitcake ever. Yup! I really don't like it. NOTE: We did a auction liquidation for a Lotto Winner years ago as he slid into bankruptcy. Multiple high-end motorcycles for him and his buddies (entourage) to tool around with. I guess he thought he could just stay on permanent vacation with his friends but he ran out of money. Nope, $3,000,000 does not go too far.
  15. Kreider is definitely a mental thing IMO. Buch is a bit too timid too often. We saw a little bit in the second season where he played with more grit and determination. Hoping that is his new M.O.
  16. I've grown into the hybrid sound but truly miss the primal scream of old - that snarl was downright scary. Maybe it's just my bias. When I was younger I raced high RPM enduro bikes and loved that sound and when the 4-strokes became popular with that low growl, I was not a fan. It was a totally different riding style that I just had trouble adapting to. That said, I saw Formula-e in Brooklyn a couple of years back and that sound was awful, irritating even. Then my son and I went to race e-Karts and while not as whinny, they were fun as all heck to drive. All of the power all of the time! My other son works for a fund that saw one of their investment units partner with Fiskar in order to help finance their rollout of a new SUV (Ocean) for around $40,000. No sales just a pretty cool lease program with 30,000 miles annually. I'm prodding my wife to consider one as our first venture into electric. https://www.fiskerinc.com/ocean/
  17. RIC deserved a podium because he can always manage tires until the end. ALB also deserved his today since his string of bad luck. Well-worth getting up for that one - yes, quite entertaining. I stayed with the broadcast post-race and during the Renault interview, RIC said he would definitely like to come back to this venue. :clap:
  18. Oh-boy! New (and beautiful) track brought all kinds of chaos. Feel for VER who launched well then got drilled. LEC needs a competitive car. Geez.
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