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Everything posted by Fuhgeddaboudit

  1. my OS is probably too old then, at least I think it should be compared to the releases Apple came out with in the last 5 years.
  2. This may sound really dumb but do external hard drives hook up to the laptop via USB? Or what?
  3. I hear you. Battery is not my main concern because I basically use my laptop as my desktop now lol. Not even sure why I got my laptop for school being it was too heavy to carry there and I felt more efficient with pen and paper.
  4. Didn't think about that, that sounds like a pretty good idea. Thanks, +1
  5. damn 3 years. I've had mine for like 5 years. Mine is just getting really slow boots (might just put it on sleep from now on) and just slow searching and stuff. I don't know if I should go with a laptop (chromebook can run Calibre?, that would be a huge decision for me then), or get a desktop. Once school is over (which is soon), I can see myself never using a laptop again.
  6. I need a new computer, my macbookpro is shitting the bed. I like the All-in-one PCs, they are pretty nice.
  7. ^I heard women were stronger than men because of that
  8. Yeah, Jetblue is good. They cancelled 50% of their flights yesterday though
  9. Jetblue was a disaster Saturday night, 1.5 hours to get baggage. No one had a clue what was going on.
  10. Yeah, RIP Uncle Phil. I loved that guy on that show.
  11. amazon is really the best. Replacing my old kindle because it just broke on me randomly..gave me options to buy refurbished ones at discounts, and I told them I would just go and buy a paperwhite at best buy. They told me if I'd like, they can replace my kindle with a newer touch model for free. Sounds good.
  12. LG sound bar. I have a LG TV. I guess it was better to match it. I like it, but I really needed to tweak the settings because the default sucked. Also, the subwoofer is decent..it adds a kick but it seems minimal.
  13. Didn't think this was true at first but now I'm starting to think it is, being I'm almost 23.
  14. I think it's young as well, but only because of financials
  15. I might have asked this before, but what's a good cleaner for a mac? I'm actually thinking about doing it this weekend. I was thinking about going to the apple store saturday and doing it but if I can do it myself, I'll do it myself.
  16. Yeah, I'm happy I took off today. Well, I have a final today. But I am in half day tomorrow, which sucks because my ride to and from staten island/manhattan will be longer than I will actually spend at work.
  17. I got these reward certificates to Best Buy (like $30) over a period of time and they expire in January. I'm curious if I can buy Best Buy gift cards with them since the gift cards don't necessarily expire right away.
  18. Sweet! Girlfriend got my a pretty nice soundbar. It's also a smart one, not sure how it works yet but I have to set it up once this final is over tomorrow.
  19. I would do that for a few exams, but not all of them. I need some preparation.
  20. Hell so many people sleep in the library and stuff. Not sure how they do it, but I get the reason behind it. I heard someone on the elevator on the way to the exam saying, "Dude I spend $12 on coffee yesterday studying for this final".
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