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Everything posted by Fuhgeddaboudit

  1. It's really fun, and I didn't even paintball at a great location. Where did you go? Somewhere in PA?
  2. The part with Denesh and the girlfriend was hilarious.
  3. It was enjoyable. I like every single one of them on Pied Piper.
  4. The guy playing Peter Gregory, supporting actor. He was an awesome character, but they could move along without him.
  5. Show is awesome. I am excited for next season. I wish it was a little longer, but I'm thinking that was just for the 1st season.
  6. The 13 for the Air just seems way too small, but maybe because it just feels so tiny in my hands. $899 for that, I really don't know yet.
  7. I was thinking about it again, but really can't afford it right now. I was thinking maybe I'd do a year finance, interest free.
  8. True, just not sure what is the most reliable brand. I keep hearing HP isn't as good as they used to be. So now, I need recommendations on one.
  9. I'm debating between a laptop and a desktop. I mean, I feel like desktops are ancient now. My macbookpro is taking a shit on me and I have a tablet, so I'm leaning towards a desktop.
  10. You don't have the expertise to work on her teeth?
  11. Probably just go downstairs to get a beer. We have a bar inside our building right downstairs.
  12. First time trying Hazelnut iced coffee. Disgusting.
  13. I know what you meant. I know my co-worker wears short sleeves which looks horrible. That's why I said it. Who makes good lightweight shirts that are affordable?
  14. Short sleeve dress shirts aren't in fashion (are they ever), so yeah...that's my best bet.
  15. Yep, even just a fucking tie...That is my newest addition to what I wear to work and I hate it.
  16. http://img.pandawhale.com/post-44145-Sansa-Slaps-Robin--Talk-Shit-G-JEAQ.gif
  17. That is something most fans want to see wrapped up. I believe they have tons of stuff that needs to be wrapped up next week. It's going to be a jam-packed episode
  18. I thought that episode was awesome. I know the people around me were feeling down and pessimistic about the show after last night's episode, even with Jon Snow doing the best he could. I think hitting fans in the feels is a great thing.
  19. Let's be for real now, Sansa looked amazing coming down that set of stairs.
  20. I didn't think they would show it at first, that shit dragged on haha. Ramsay Bolton... Scary. Now I feel horrible with that ending, the screaming was awful
  21. I might just wait until after the cup, I'm pretty positive about the Rangers... So I don't want to have to buy two shirts lol.
  22. Do the rangers shirts actually have the Finals logo on them? I'm going to stop by Modells and just buy a shirt. I think I'm going to do this every year where I buy one of the STANLEY cup team shirts. Whoever I favor winning it.
  23. Update that resume' and start contacting the shit out of people. Make yourself stand out
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