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Everything posted by paddynyc

  1. Is there a timetable as to when this show will end ? I see places where they plan to have another 100 episodes. Sheesh...........
  2. And the answer to the Rangers prayers for scoring Blaine Stoughton
  3. I read "Dispatches" maybe 20+ years ago and plan on rereading the book again.
  4. I just finished "The Snowman" by Jo Nesbo the one of the same movie about a serial killer. Eh... it was ok..
  5. I just finished Phil Caputo's "A Rumor of War". He appeared on Ken Burns "The Vietnam War" for those who didn't watch it was excellent. The book is about his time in Vietnam as a Marine. Can someone please fix the typo in my thread? Thank you
  6. Good to hear another season Sent from my Nexus 7 using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  7. I think the season has just been ok and I'm hoping for a strong finish in the last 4 episodes.
  8. Just finished and happy to hear it is coming back for another season. Good show
  9. ^ Is that Bobby the Brain on the right ? If so, wow he must've been really sick.
  10. ^ Is that Bobby the Brain on the right ? If so, wow he must've been really sick.
  11. I'm not sure if they are still around, but how about donating to Hockey in Harlem
  12. This was really good and I'm bummed no 2nd season.
  13. OUCH !!!! that is a heart breaker to lose like that sorry to hear that
  14. Love this show, great acting and story lines.
  15. I used to travel there all the time for business and you can't beat the weather. Which part of LA? I used to stay in the Santa Monica area.
  16. Excellent and looks like the same tomorrow and going to head into Manhattan
  17. It always scared me that when my son played when that happened and lucky his it didn't happen often. The hit from behind always made me nervous when my son played.
  18. This also makes you wonder if he is hallucinating that the prison guard is really following him. Maybe he inflicted the wound to himself also
  19. I thought it started this Sunday, but missed the show because of the Rangers game. I then went to Showtime on demand and there were 2 episodes and episode 2 dealt with Helen and Allison.
  20. Exactly !!! Some show last night.
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