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Everything posted by Albatrosss

  1. idk, we dont talk off the board. but probably banned
  2. the only reason i dont see an issue with trading Buch is that i still think this team is 3-4 years away from having their window and by that time Buch most likely would've been at the end of his prime, if not passed it. but ideally they should've gotten rid of Kreider instead of Buch
  3. he made a bad short pass in the defensive zone which became a turnover and the devils scored in the last game vs the devils. So he was on the ice for at least one goal against. just sayin'
  4. what would you do if you found out that your wife has a secret bank account?
  5. they should've kept Buch and traded or dumped Kreider. Buch is far more useful player than Kreider IMO, and cheaper
  6. those were 'gimme' trades tho. Washington was trying to get rid of Jagr who didnt work there and they were starting a rebuild. Florida wanted to just get rid of Bure because he was damaged goods. Both teams took anything that was offered. no others wanted a part of Bure or Jags
  7. JOnes plays LD and they needed RD to play with Nemeth, so im sure that played a role
  8. Bure here was awesome, him and Jags just gave a new life to the fans who lived thru the dark ages. Too bad his knees were Reeved and he had to retire. He was still fairly young
  9. wow...im surprised. i was sure Lundkvist will go down to the A it's gotta be because of the RD position
  10. i can see something like "20 best trades in NHL history" on NHL network and Fox trade ranking #2 or #3 and how Carolina got fleeced and the Rangers got a Norris Trophy winner. No mention of him wanting only to play for the rangers
  11. maybe they'll name his a captain just to bring his value up and then trade him? wishful thinking
  12. but you know well that "little" fact will be forgotten by history
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