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Pete last won the day on September 19

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  1. That was a career year for Karlsson. In reality he is a 3C fringe 2C. And it wasn't necessarily guys buried on other rosters. Reilly Smith was a middle six winger on the Panthers and went on to be a middle six winger. I'm sorry but the cream rises to the top, and if a player shows enough to get elevated then they eventually move a player out, similar to Fox and ADA. In fact I could point to other players who are elevated in the lineup simply because they are earlier in their careers and cheap. I would prefer to watch better players than Roslovic get shots in the top six because they're younger and cheaper. But the more expansion you have the more Roslovic you get. Expansion isn't going to lead to more stars.
  2. The NHL much like other North American sports leagues have the best players in the world playing there by choice. There is nobody sitting in some obscure German league who is unknown and wishing they can get a spot on an NHL roster but they can't crack one... And those players aren't taking the spots of other star players, they're taking the spots of players who are easily pushed out of the league. That's why less spots equals a better product. It's the best of the best.
  3. I'm sure you believe that. That's why I have neither the time or the crayons for you.
  4. It'll also come back to the first flying elbow, "I wish he caught his wife with that spicy wing."
  5. My guy.... My point about the popularity of the NFL versus the NHL had nothing to do with my point about dilution of talent. They are two separate arguments. I didn't think that needed to be explained to you, but apparently you need to be spoon-fed common sense.
  6. If I have to explain this to you, then you're too far gone for me to waste my time.
  7. It'll go away when people stop bringing it up. It was an obvious training camp topic and it should pass.
  8. Who cares? This has nothing to do with any point I was making about the popularity of the sport.
  9. That's also not true. NFL CFL and leagues all over Europe.
  10. Not remotely true. NFL rosters is 52 players.
  11. That has absolutely nothing to do with my point... The most popular sport in North America is the NFL. There is no way that NHL should have more teams.
  12. More people playing hockey and watching hockey has nothing to do with putting hockey back in markets where it already failed in some cases twice. I'm all for moving teams, but expansion to 34 teams is ridiculous. Next time you complain about useless fourth-liners I'll remind you that you don't think the talent pool is diluted.
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