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Dunny last won the day on May 18 2022

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About Dunny

  • Birthday 01/02/1983

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  1. Update: It was not lol.. it was a OMHA team in disguise (Waterloo Wolves). We beat them, anyways.
  2. Not sure if it was mentioned here, but did anyone catch the hot mic convo between Rempe and either McIlrath or Wilson after the Panarin hit? Rempe was listing what he was going to do, and to whom he was going to do it to, should anybody touch Panarin. It was hilarious. Very audible on Canadian feed, anyways.
  3. This is U9. There are some bigger clubs at this thing. I'll report back after we play them, or whoever it is.
  4. What's going on with Nylander? He plays all the final games, and is now out? Don't think he's playing tonight, either. What a disaster. Goaltending also quickly becoming ruinous. I took a whack of Leafs in my hockey pool, as a hedge against their success. Seems unnecessary.
  5. Is that good? lol I hope it's them, I don't see who else it would be, but in Spring hockey it could be some dude named "Neil James' Titans" lol
  6. I think we play the NJ Jr. Titans on Friday. Anybody familiar with that program? I'm not 100% sure it's them, but they're the only program I can find with that name.
  7. Just finished Sunday, and signed today. We're playing for the '16 Bruce County Bucks of the KLEVR Super League, coached by former Oiler legend Theo Peckham. It's gonna be a blast, but we won't be very good. Played the (or a version of) Toronto Bulldogs on the weekend. I've seen the future of hockey, and it ain't any of the kids on our team. I will miss coaching this year. I'm coaching baseball, but it's not the same. Maybe they'll let me on the ice with the goalies once in a while.
  8. I think it'll be great for both NCAA and CHL, but the impact downstream.. could be tough. BCHL, AJHL, GOJHL, OJHL, USHL, NAHL... they lose their big selling point
  9. When the car is paid for, maybe he can pick my kid up on the way to beer league lol
  10. Kids AAA Spring team cost breakdown: - 11 practices - 4 Dryland Sessions - 3 Tournaments - 4 Exhibition games - Track Suit - Hoodie/Ball Cap $400 CDN We actually got 16 sponsors in 48 hours.
  11. Affluence plays a big part, but more so in the US, then here. I mean, I'm sure you could do it, Pete, if you really wanted to. It's painful, but it is possible. Just delay retirement a few years, like I'm going to do lol. It is a shame there isn't more ice available for you guys to dumb down the cost. Is there a US player that grew up poor in the past 30 years? Bobby Ryan, I guess, but he was in the OHL at 16. It's crazy that it's got to this point, but that's the competitive nature of it. At one time, power skating was novel, now, it's mandatory, as basic as oxygen. Understanding our costs, I get frustrated at people that won't help their kids out, but they have homes on the lake, and boats, or snowmobiles, quads, toys, toys, toys. They won't even go to the free power skating session every week. They're lazy, and selfish. It's not a money problem. People paying $500 for 75 hours of ice, then crying "rip off" when there's a $60 tournament fee added on . As for the Hyman video, I also understood the point. Hymans dad was playing God. Buying entire leagues lol. He was a big part of what is is so gross about the GTHL, I'm sure he got every opportunity with NHL level skills coaches, conditions coaches, etc. But, that's life.
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