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H-Dreamer last won the day on May 2 2022

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About H-Dreamer

  • Birthday 03/27/1981


  • Location
    Hamburg, Germany


  • Interests
    Rangers, Soccer, Fantasy Novels etc


  • Occupation
    Currently working for an online ticketing company.

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  1. If the 2020 Rookie QB class (and to a degree this years as well) tells us - again - is that bad teams are better of building the trenches and playing with a serviceable QB, just like the Lions did, instead of hoping to get lucky and draft Stroud (who also has a solid team around him). Meanwhile the Panthers benched their 1st Overall QB for Andy Dalton.
  2. I am sure the Internet will handle the Chiefs win well. lol That was a DPI and the Refs called a penalty on the Chiefs after they converted one play earlier, but that will be forgotten in favor of the narrative.
  3. He will have a shit game eventually, he's been solid so far, that's all we can ask from him I think. He's had one boneheaded INT today, but he recovered from it, which he didn't in the past. For now just enjoying the wins and not expecting too much.
  4. Vikings beat the 49ers and are 2-0 and we finally have a Defense again.
  5. The Giants achieved just one thing one Sunday, for the first time in 5 years I was able to watch my team in a relaxed state, the win never in doubt early on and it didn't turn into a one-score-game for no reason for a change. So thanks for that.
  6. Yh, the idea that it's good for a league when a few clubs dominate is absolutely silly. Especially when there's not even an additional international competition to add least at some excitement back into the sport. It sure was sooo exciting to watch Bayern win the league by a wide marging every season....
  7. Over here we have dedicated bike lanes on most roads and I still wouldn't use them, because I am not the most confident cyclist and there's tons of reports of Drivers intentionally getting very close to those bike lanes to scare cyclists and other stupid stuff. Like they are mad that a fraction of the road was "stolen" from them.
  8. https://www.101espn.com/news/columbus-blue-jackets-star-johnny-gaudreau-killed-after-being-hit-by-alleged-drunk-driver-police/ Supposedly visibility wasn't the best to begin with. This is just insanely stupid. Sadly his drunkeness will probably help him in court....
  9. Just terrible. (and it was still terrible by Peel and the others who jumped the gun, not their place to announce this news)
  10. I am still weirded out, that I looked at that era and decided that this was the team for me. lol
  11. If the reports from the joint practice with the Browns is anything to go by, I won't get my hopes up, apparently Myles Garret ate him for breakfast, until the Defense was asked to go a bit slower. Apparently same was true for Watson on the other side, so both teams might have to rely on their defense instead. lol
  12. You know, I was all for Sam Darnold starting for the Vikings all season anyway, have JJ sit, train and learn the game....even after he looked really promising on Saturday against the Raiders Backups.....but it's the Vikings, we can't have nice things, not even a Rookie-QB just sitting there and learn. So JJ McCarthy is now out for the season with a torn Meniscus.
  13. Donald Brashear pops into my mind, not the biggest of blunders in terms of fallout, but I hated every second that clown was on this team.
  14. Seems the Copa Final could have used someone on the organisation team, with a bit of common sense and knowledge of fan behavior in soccer. https://www.sbnation.com/soccer/2024/7/15/24198873/copa-america-final-disaster-video-reports-world-cup-2026
  15. So as usual no one knows the truth, only shit Brooks pulled from somewhere, but we're freaking out over it anyway, because it's already peak off-season.
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