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Mr.wiskers last won the day on March 22 2019

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About Mr.wiskers

  • Birthday 03/18/1973

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  1. Sorry found the off season thread Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  2. 2 things: where the off season thread that discusses Buch for Horvat and secondly Goodrow had a 50% face-off win percentage in the regular season, 52.4 % for his career even though his play-off win percentage was 40. We have to get to the play-offs before we can even worry about play-off percentages, besides we are really getting him for his physical play not his face-off percentage( 111 hits regular season, 68 in 18 play-off games). Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  3. Only means we have to add a prospect or a pick to get the deal done. Would you deal the second coming of Erik Karlsson( Niks Lundkvist ) & Strome for Norris, Watson & Ridly Grieg. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  4. There’s been talk of our interest in bring back Staal. So I’m guessing Staal if he indeed comes back— not that he’s getting big minutes but he would be a leader. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  5. According to capfriendly Werenski actual salary next year is 7 mil.—he signed a 3 yr/15 mil. contract last yr, the break down is 4/4/7 mil. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  6. Montreal’s 4th line of Staal, Perry, Armia has looked really good in the play-offs. All 3 are over 6’3”. As a line 8 goals, 15 assist. 23 pts in 13 games. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  7. Here’s something I caught on blueshirts forever, Anthony Scultore: Up until his suspension, Scheifele had five points in five playoff games. He has 3 years left on a deal that pays $6.125 million per season. So why am I bringing up Scheifele? Well that’s because Larry Brooks randomly inserted his name into the rumor mill with his latest Slap Shots column. Though it goes without saying, it will be said anyway: If Mark Scheifele somehow becomes available out of Winnipeg, he is the player for whom the Rangers empty the cupboard, and the guy in Buffalo becomes Jack Who? NY Post While Brooks could be speculating, it’s also very possible that Scheifele’s name was whispered into his ear. Interesting, if nothing else. I will say this though, the Jets could view some of the Rangers defense prospects like Matthew Robertson, or Zac Jones as legit trade pieces. Maybe coupled with Ryan Strome, a deal could be made. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  8. I don’t think anybody bites on Eichel. Do you want to be the GM who gives up a 1st, a player & a prospect for a guy who may never be the same, while paying 10 mil. per. If it’s me, I won’t take the chance of making the deal and looking like a fool if he doesn’t bounce back. This is the kind of deal that will make your career or end it. Meanwhile for Adams it’s a win win, if he deals Eichel, he’s saving the company 10 mil per and getting back a 1st, a player & a prospect. Taking that 10 mil and signing another healthy player while all the while saying we can’t take the chance of keeping a disgruntled player who is injured and will bring the moraL down in the dressing room. And other the other hand he can say we need to keep one of the best players in the league. So Basically Buffalo is gonna have to hold on to him for 2 yrs. this year for him to heal and get healthy, whether he has the surgery or not. And next to prove that he’s healthy and raise his stock. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  9. When it came to the New York Rangers, Button drafted USA National Development Program’s Chad Lucius. The 6-1 center scored 13 goals and 18 points in 12 games this season. Button compared him to a Brock Nelson type player. Lucius is another prospect who once was hyped as a potential top-five pick before falling to the middle of the first-round pack. Although he’s not your classic NTDP center in that he’s more of a natural goal scorer than a playmaker (13 goals and 7 assists in his injury-shortened season), Lucius also chips in at the faceoff dot and makes up for average speed with excellent balance and puck protection. The Draft Analyst Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  10. There’s a couple of mocks that have us taking Chaz Lucious Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  11. Yeah, some may consider him a douche, he is said to talk a lot of shit, irritates his opponents and even skated by an opponents bench giving them all the middle finger. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  12. Was looking a hockey fights, he’s had like 8 of them, didn’t win any but still had the balls to step up and fight. He’s only 5’11” but already weighs 200lbs. MacTavish is 6’1’ 196 lbs.—dad is Dale MacTavish, who’s coached in the league. He supposed to play a physical style as well. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  13. Figures crossed! I would be poetic justice Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  14. Mason MacTavish or Zachary L’Heureux would be my picks at 15th. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  15. Watching the Minn. playoff series, it’s surprising to see that Dumba is only 6’0” tall, he seems to play bigger, mixing it up and everything. I wonder if we could get both Greenway & Dumba in a package. Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
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