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Pro Wrasslin' — WWE, AEW, NJPW, Impact Wrestling & Beyond


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Saw it. Meh, whatever.


Didn't sound like anyone in the arena had a fuckin' clue who he was.





WWE has something special in Bryan & Punk. Watching the two wrestle is like watching WCW cruiserweights go at it. Both are over and its amazing for the company. If only Jericho would drop the cocky persona and bring back the obnoxious one.

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WWE has something special in Bryan & Punk. Watching the two wrestle is like watching WCW cruiserweights go at it. Both are over and its amazing for the company. If only Jericho would drop the cocky persona and bring back the obnoxious one.


I've never found Bryan Danielson all that entertaining. Saw him perform numerous times in ROH in person. He's quite a bore. Admittedly I haven't watched an ounce of whatever feud he's got going on with Punk right now, but I find it hard to believe Punk isn't carrying him through it, because Danielson has the personality of a bathtub fart.

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I've never found Bryan Danielson all that entertaining. Saw him perform numerous times in ROH in person. He's quite a bore. Admittedly I haven't watched an ounce of whatever feud he's got going on with Punk right now, but I find it hard to believe Punk isn't carrying him through it, because Danielson has the personality of a bathtub fart.


His in ring work is far above many of the WWE roster (not saying much) , and while you could complain about his ratio of performance/personality , you could say that about many of the great TNA stars. For example I think whenever AJ styles opens his mouth , its a COMPLETE train wreck. Daniel bryan and cm punks portion of the tag match was last night is very similar to a TNA Impact match.


I'm a wrestling fan who has leaned towards WCW at times, WWF at times, and TNA at times. I'm not saying WWE is good, but they are taking baby steps, something I couldn't say for many years.

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I'll come back when I have a reason to. I've given them an opportunity probably a dozen times in the last four years, and every time I regretted it.


watch that tag match from last night with bryan punk cena and jericho. It won't blow your socks off, but its entertaining.

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I'm a story guy, not a match guy. Unless I can buy the story, I won't care. It's why I don't watch ROH.


The Punk / Bryan / AJ storyline has been pretty entertaining (at least in my opinion); not sure if it is worth catching up on a few months of RAW though.

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Even if what you say its true(I'm not so convinced), prior to that 4 months it was a train wreck.


So we both agree outside of this past 4 months it was .. at very least bad, what is the over arching stories of the last 4 months.


1)RR's ride to fame. I like him, I don't think hes as great as they hype him, but hes good. *Good*

2) Sting being the greatest thing ever and being entered into the hall of fame *meh*

3)AJ styles / Daniels feud over Dixie Carter ... *Terrible and getting worse*

4) G.Bischoff's introduction as a wanna be wrestler getting squashed by daddy *yawn*

5) Abyss being his brother *meh* (the highlight of that is just bully ray thats it)

6) Hulk Hogan going back to his oh brothers.. *yawn*

7)The endless cycle of unimportant matches in rotation between Hardy, Anderson & RVD *yawn*

8) The complete dismantling of the tag team division *stupid*

9)The re-importance of the X-division *yes!*

10) Crimson being on a streak and getting it beaten by J.Storm *okay*


Not all that much there to be honest.

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Ah I see, TNA is pretty terrible at stories too.


Agreed, that's why I can't figure out Phil would like TNA and hate WWE.


Phil, I'm just like you, I could careless for the wrestling, I want the storyline, comics, drama, the whole 9. IMO, both companies are terrible and have been for awhile.


TNA had a chance and the right idea when hogan brought back a few of his boys a year or 2 ago but unfortunately they were too old, washed up, druggies and alcoholics at that point.


IMO wrestlers from both companies are struggling to find an original identity right now. Something they could run with.

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Agreed, that's why I can't figure out Phil would like TNA and hate WWE.


Phil, I'm just like you, I could careless for the wrestling, I want the storyline, comics, drama, the whole 9. IMO, both companies are terrible and have been for awhile.


TNA had a chance and the right idea when hogan brought back a few of his boys a year or 2 ago but unfortunately they were too old, washed up, druggies and alcoholics at that point.


IMO wrestlers from both companies are struggling to find an original identity right now. Something they could run with.


I don't disagree with that assessment, but what I know is that the rise of Roode, Storm and Aries has done wonders for the overall story in TNA, and the Dixie/AJ/Daniels angle was fantastic right up until the point they brought in the pregnant drug addict broad.

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I don't disagree with that assessment, but what I know is that the rise of Roode, Storm and Aries has done wonders for the overall story in TNA, and the Dixie/AJ/Daniels angle was fantastic right up until the point they brought in the pregnant drug addict broad.


Yes there are nuggets of gold but the larger product in the past 4 months (not today ) has been meh at best.


Before that.. with immortal etc... terrible.


& Sting in the hall of fame ? In all sports ( which TNA claims Wrestling is Real ) don't you have to retire first? Should it not of been JJ first, the founding father so to speak?

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Saying the AJ/Dixie/Daniels was good leading up to the crash... is like saying a movie is good until it falls off the rails.


They could of killed it after that day, but they keep beating a dead horse trying to revive it . Its pathetic.

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Yes there are nuggets of gold but the larger product in the past 4 months (not today ) has been meh at best.


Before that.. with immortal etc... terrible.


& Sting in the hall of fame ? In all sports ( which TNA claims Wrestling is Real ) don't you have to retire first? Should it not of been JJ first, the founding father so to speak?


How, if Jarrett isn't retired either? The only Jarrett who would be eligible is Jerry.

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Inducting a still active performer IMO is irrelevant.


Hogan, Piper, Lawler, Flair, etc. all still perform, yet were inducted.


Fact is, TNA is only a 10-year old company, so whoever was getting inducted would still be active.

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