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Pro Wrasslin' — WWE, AEW, NJPW, Impact Wrestling & Beyond


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I watch wrestling to be entertained. Entertainment has to come from entertaining performers. There is nothing entertaining about Ted DiBiase Jr., Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, etc. etc. etc. etc. They're all the exact same, carbon copy vanilla performers who all have the same personality... of a stick. They all get the same script to read from and they all essentially wrestle the same matches with the only real difference being the name announced to and from the ring and the color of the performers tights.


TNA, for all their faults and all their short-comings still has more entertaining performers. I'll take a dusty finish with Anderson, Hardy, Angle, Pope, Joe, etc. in TNA any day over a clean match between Generic Body Builder #1 and Generic Body Builder #2 in WWE.


Hell, even the older guys like Sting and Hogan have more personality and charisma in their piss than WWE's collection of generic Ken dolls.

Edited by Phil in Absentia
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I watch wrestling to be entertained. Entertainment has to come from entertaining performers. There is nothing entertaining about Ted DiBiase Jr., Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, etc. etc. etc. etc. They're all the exact same, carbon copy vanilla performers who all have the same personality... of a stick. They all get the same script to read from and they all essentially wrestle the same matches with the only real difference being the name announced to and from the ring and the color of the performers tights.


TNA, for all their faults and all their short-comings still has more entertaining performers. I'll take a dusty finish with Anderson, Hardy, Angle, Pope, Joe, etc. in TNA any day over a clean match between Generic Body Builder #1 and Generic Body Builder #2 in WWE.


Hell, even the older guys like Sting and Hogan have more personality and charisma in their piss than WWE's collection of generic Ken dolls.


Lol I'm not judging. I honestly channel switch during the mid cards of WWE. I wish the X Division was more emphasized. I loved WCW and I get pissed that Bischoff, Hogan, and Russo could fuck up TNA the same way again.

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I've never been more into TNA than now. I love the new company. The X Division finally has a purpose, they have a legitimate heavyweight division, some great star power, etc.


They could stand to actually utilize their television title, but otherwise I'm quite happy with the state of things in TNA.

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I've never been more into TNA than now. I love the new company. The X Division finally has a purpose, they have a legitimate heavyweight division, some great star power, etc.


They could stand to actually utilize their television title, but otherwise I'm quite happy with the state of things in TNA.


Oh, Im just saying that I don't like the management.

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That may interest me more. Whenever I tune in, I feel like I'm watching a bunch amateurs in a school gym.


Yup. The iMPACT! Zone fuckin' blows.


TNA are like a large fish who's still swimming in a starter 10 gallon tank. They need bigger venues.

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I miss the real tag teams of wrestling. I'm tired of these make shift teams. Give me Demolition, Road Warriors, Hart Foundation, Powers of Pain, ect. with actual finishing moves


You're preaching to the choir.


I heard they actually want to re-vamp the tag team division. It will NEVER be the tag division of 1985-1989 with what you had in the WWF and NWA/WCW, and in wrestling in general, but i'm on board with them trying to re-vamp the tag team division. Don't know what they'd do exactly. But hopefully that means hiring or going after tag teams that have been tagging together on a regular basis from ROH, or the indy's.


As long as it improves, I guess.

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I miss the real tag teams of wrestling. I'm tired of these make shift teams. Give me Demolition, Road Warriors, Hart Foundation, Powers of Pain, ect. with actual finishing moves


Been screaming that for years. It's one of the many reasons I love TNA so much — they actually housed REAL tag teams. The kind that did moves TOGETHER, and wore matching tights/uniforms, etc. This business of putting two random singles guys who have nothing else going on together to make up ground where you obviously were too lazy to build teams is bullshit.


Team 3D, Motor City Machineguns, The Naturals, AJ Styles & Daniels, Triple X, 3 Live Kru, Outsiders, Beer Money, etc. etc. etc. etc.

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Wrote this up for the wrestling forum I post on:


Sting, Hogan and Flair is Exactly What Bound For Glory Needs


Yes, you read that right.


For an angle that's received as much criticism and hatred as this has, I for one honestly can't understand why (shocking, I know).


Age aside (and I'll get into why this doesn't matter later), everything about this—absolutely everything—makes sense leading into Bound For Glory.



These men are
. Not in the WWE sense of the word in that anyone who has ever wrestled for Vince or his company is a "superstar", but in that these men supersede life. They are larger than it. They are super heros. They are the pioneers of the industry who have an ability few from the modern era have to captivate their audience in every facet of their game – in the ring and out. Again, age aside for the moment, why would you
want to utilize this to tell a story that fans (note: not just internet fans) want to see?


The nostalgic history of these three men is undeniably entertaining for anyone who can appreciate both nostalgia and the matches these men made infamous all those years ago. Again, why would you
want to utilize this to tell a story that fans
to see?


As was illustrated by the success of Hart/McMahon at WrestleMania, if given the proper treatment and the correct amount of "censorship", the declining in ring skill of these men can be masked or throttled enough to still leave a lasting impression and produce a proper match at Bound For Glory between Sting/Hogan, just as it did tonight on iMPACT! between Sting/Flair.


Not every match needs to be a technical five-star physical bout in order to be successful, and not every performer needs to be capable of wrestling like AJ Styles, regardless of what you've read on the internet. Wrestling is about telling a story. Match "quality", as in the quality of the physical performance alone, is only a
of that, and a minor one at that (though there are a number of people who'd have you believe otherwise here). The single most important aspect is the psychology of the match-up and how well executed it is, which is determined by how well the crowd takes to the event. As was seen by the crowd reaction to Sting/Flair, I have no question that Sting/Hogan is fully capable of achieving the
same effect, if not bettering it..



Obviously at their age and at the level of their diminished ability, a five-star match isn't a realistic expectation, but that's not to say that a good-to-great match can't still take place if the story in place and psychological build of the match does enough to mask the obvious negatives of the physical limitations of all parities involved, which TNA is certainly on the track to achieve at the moment.


As far as I'm concerned, this is a winning scenario for the company heading into the biggest PPV of the year so long as the right guy wins and wins in the right way. The story thus far has been told exactly as it should be, so so long as the conclusion doesn't spoil the climax to this, we, as viewers and as fans, should be in for a treat of an event come October 16th. That is, of course, if you don't go into this with a handful of unruly and illogical expectations like this being the greatest match of the year, of all-time or being some kind of tactical soir?e. A little perspective will go a long way in appreciating this for what it is.


I'm sure I'l get reamed for this, and I'm sure this will be riddled with criticisms and complaints about the combined age of the competitors, but I needed to get this out, because it needed to be said. Bottom line: Sting/Flair/Hogan is the reason I'll be ordering (not streaming) Bound For Glory.

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Hey Rome, are you going to Survivior Series in November at MSG?


I went looking for tickets the other day but it was sold out.


No chance, holmes. Can't stand WWE these days. If we were talking the WWE roster from like 1995 or 96? All over it. :D

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