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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Oh, that's friggin' awesome!


Yeah, it's amazing stuff. He does research on cancer cures, natural anti-biotics and other medical things I really don't understand, but I do truly appreciate.


We met when we were 5 years old and have been close friends ever since. To see him graduate with such a title was awesome. I mean, and it shows how close we are as friends that his family invites me as the only friend welcome at the dinner afterwards. He's like a brother. Damn proud day.

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I loathe Jack Black, so I can't share the same sentiments. He annoys the fuck out of me.


I think I might be able to go see them again with Social D, though. My buddy works in the music industry and usually gets us tickets for a lot of great shows for free since they're given to his company.


Going to see Bush with Chevelle and Filter next on October 11th at the Paramount Theatre in Huntington.




cant stand the guy. he is just NOT funny.

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I put him, Seth Rogen and Ben Stiller in a group I called the Trifecta of Unfunny. All three of them are grossly overrated.


Ben Stiller is not funny but I somehow still manage to enjoy (some) of his movies. Im indifferent to Seth Rogen. Jack Black has never made me even smile.

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Stiller always has star-studded casts. Always. Try to picture any of his movies without Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, etc. They'd be monumental bores.


All Seth Rogen jokes in every Seth Rogen movie: "Huh huh huh and then my dick huh huh huh jerk off huh huh huh masturbate huh huh huh smoke pot huh huh huh."

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WHATTTTTTTTTT how could you not like Sandler?


Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Grown Ups, The Waterboy, Just Go With It, Mr Deeds, the list goes on and on, only movie I didnt like him in was Funny People, that movie sucked, btwn him and Rogen neither were funny at all


but even in Reign On Me, I think that was the name of it, in a serious role, Sandler still ruled

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