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Rangers Coverage in the Athletic

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Is it just me or has the coverage that the Rangers get suffered since Carp retired and he was replaced by Arthur Staple? I'm talking quality and quantity-wise.


All of the articles really lack any sort of insight(good and bad) that Carp used to provide. All of the post game analysis reads like someone who watched the game on TV, which I imagine he does as his primary beat is the Islanders. The off-season has been even worse in that we seem to get an article every 7 days or so. I get that there is not alot to write about until the draft on Thursday, but how about something obligatory like an end of the season prospect ranking or something about the coaching plans for next season in Hartford?


Even the NY Post manages to crank something out every 2-3 days and that is available(mostly) for free online. Seriously thinking about cancelling my subscription.


Curious to hear everyone else's thoughts?

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  • Phil changed the title to Rangers Coverage in the Athletic
23 minutes ago, siddious said:

Carp sucked but it seemed like he at least ass a fan of the team and had SOME insight (at least before Covid).


staple is just boring. I won’t be renewing either. 

Already cancelled, I think I have a couple of weeks left.  

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