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  • Phil changed the title to 2022-23 Preseason Schedule Released
3 hours ago, RichieNextel305 said:

I don’t get why the NHL, as opposed to sports like MLB, have to wait and wait and wait to release their schedule for the regular season. Just do it already!

Venue availability?

3 hours ago, RichieNextel305 said:

I don’t get why the NHL, as opposed to sports like MLB, have to wait and wait and wait to release their schedule for the regular season. Just do it already!

MLB is the only sport that releases the next season schedule by the end of the regular season. NHL actually releases it earlier than the NFL and NBA. NFL releases their schedule in April, 2 months after the Super Bowl. NHL usually releases their schedule a month after the Stanley Cup Final, this year it’s probably going to be in a couple of weeks since they are getting back on track with a normal schedule. We already know NHL Opening Night is Oct 11. 

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