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Hockey Has a Bigotry Problem


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"The Boston Globe has reported extensively on the ugly situation surrounding the Danvers High hockey program. Will anything change?

Danvers, Massachusetts, has a problem. A problem with alleged racism. A problem with alleged anti-semitism. A problem with alleged anti-gay sentiment.

But as best we can tell, the adults who are supposed to be in charge in Danvers don't want to do anything about it. Not anything substantive."




Don't think this issue is relegated to obscure New England towns. Shit like this happens everywhere. 



Edited by Pete
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I don't really think it has any more of a problem than any other entity. Everything is a problem now, so if that's the way it's going to be, every entity, every organization, every employer, and every segment of our lives will have that same problems. We see that to being the case around us, in everything we do. 

In the hockey I'm personally involved in, I don't see any issues at all. It's all about inclusivity, feelings, and equality. All day, every day. Whether I agree with that, or not, is another story. 

I think a lot of people feel hockey needs to be taken down a peg. It's too white. It's too priveldged. It's an old boys club. Let's get it. 

The anecdotes that have recently made waves are certainly appalling, individual, issues. But they don't necessarily represent anything more than exactly that. They are anecdotes. 


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I'm not sure hockey actually has a problem with bigotry as much as hockey had a problem with bigotry, and many of those are being uncovered now. That's a good thing, but it can make now, today, feel worse than it might actually be because we're talking about things happening yesterday, if that makes any sense.

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11 minutes ago, Phil said:

I'm not sure hockey actually has a problem with bigotry as much as hockey had a problem with bigotry, and many of those are being uncovered now. That's a good thing, but it can make now, today, feel worse than it might actually be because we're talking about things happening yesterday, if that makes any sense.

hockey will always be a target when its mostly affluent white kids.


When I played, no one was off limits when it came to verbal abuse, for a lack of a better word. We didnt have slur-days, and I never saw or experienced sexual abuse, or anything close, but we talked like Irish girls. There were rumors about the football and wrestling team doing some weird shit to eachother, even investigated once but nothing happened. But they were dumb football guys. Maybe those dumb kids play hockey in Boston instead of football.

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10 minutes ago, Dunny said:

Hockey is comprised of flawed humans, it's unfair to think they won't make mistakes.

This logic can be applied to Aldrich, couldn't it?

This is not only about the behavior of HS boys, this is about parenting and the lack of response by the organization.

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