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So, we've spent the last week searching for solutions to correct the issue about non-expiring points on active infractions (now called Warnings) that migrated over from the old vBulletin forum. The problem is, no solution appears to exist that wouldn't require us to revoke existing Warnings (that have not expired yet) and then re-issue new Warnings so that the 180-day expiration clock would go into effect.

I've spoken with the Staff, and we've come to the determination that rather than subject everyone to this, which wouldn't really be all that fair, we're going for a more diplomatic solution — amnesty.

This is a clean slate for everyone with active points.

Please check your profiles for active Warning points by viewing your profile and reviewing the section for Warnings at the top of the left column.


If you have active points, message me privately (or just post here if you don't care about it being public) and I'll move forward expunging your active record. Any infractions that have expired will be left, as there is no reason to remove them.


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