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Ends what debate? The debate is that the International sport suffers at the hands of it's professional Overlord.


Some people care about the International version as much as the billionaire's version.


The debate is only over in the sense that this is perpetually puzzling to Americans who will never understand it, and this it's really pointless.

Ends what debate? The debate is that the International sport suffers at the hands of it's professional Overlord.


Some people care about the International version as much as the billionaire's version.


The debate is only over in the sense that this is perpetually puzzling to Americans who will never understand it, and this it's really pointless.


Nah. It ends the silly notion that the teams somehow have some obligation to a junior tournament. They don’t. And for very good reason. Dach playing in the tournament honestly was just plain stupid lol.

Ends what debate? The debate is that the International sport suffers at the hands of it's professional Overlord.


Some people care about the International version as much as the billionaire's version.


The debate is only over in the sense that this is perpetually puzzling to Americans who will never understand it, and this it's really pointless.


I think we do understand it, to some degree. I think most are in favor of seeing Olympics include NHL players, because we want to see the best of the best from each country. An international juniors tournament does not have nearly the same pedigree as either the NHL or the Olympics.

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