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I dunno...did this guy ever pan out? Reminds me of DelZotto. Plenty of potential but no pay-off.


Rumors have it that Ottawa offered him around $4m for multiple years. He was a dick and they didnt even go to arbitration with him, they straight out released him.


He's had a couple 40-point seasons. He's also wearing his 6th jersey in 7 seasons. And he's going back to Quennville who he struggled under in Chicago. What a mess.


Thankfully, we kept Buchnevich instead.

He royally fucked himself by trying to represent himself this offseason. It's kinda sad.


well deserved*


He got a ton of shit in junior hockey for his attitude, including getting suspended by his teammates.

Absolutely dropped in the draft for attitude issues. Rangers didnt have any picks, and it was a risky pick.

NY got rid of him pretty quickly.

Whined the the Coyotes werent good enough. Chakya rebuttaled and tore him apart. Then Complaint he didnt get chances in Chicago because of the coach/play style, Torts benched him and ripped him a new one, then he whined about the offer from Ottawa.

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