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MTL Sign Sebastian Aho to 5-Year Offer Sheet Worth $8.454M Per Season; CAR Matches


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This doesnt make sense. Why would a team announce they are sending an offer sheet? It doesnt indicate its signed, and based on $/terms, it will easily get matched.


Smoke and mirrors for a different offer sheet out of Montreal?

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This doesnt make sense. Why would a team announce they are sending an offer sheet? It doesnt indicate its signed, and based on $/terms, it will easily get matched.


Smoke and mirrors for a different offer sheet out of Montreal?


I think it's implied that it has been signed


The signing bonus structure makes it tough for Carolina but they really HAVE to sign this. They can't afford to lose Aho for that price

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Too soft an offer by Montreal. If they were serious about this, should've gone higher and included a large signing bonus to make it difficult for Carolina. They will surely match this without even blinking an eye.
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Too soft an offer by Montreal. If they were serious about this, should've gone higher and included a large signing bonus to make it difficult for Carolina. They will surely match this without even blinking an eye.


the only reason it might be tough is because even though the AAV is fine, it is an entirely signing bonus laced deal. For keeping it in the range of only giving up a 1st 2nd and a 3rd, I think they shaped the contract pretty perfectly.


Carolina is a team that has an internal budget and if those signing bonuses are going to be a strain for them, it's going to be tough to match


Worst case scenario for MTL, it gets matched. Best case, they give up what is relatively peanuts for a top tier young player with years of his prime still to come

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I hope they use the full 7 days. Fuck Bergevin.


I mean it's his right in the CBA to send that offer. I don't think the whole 'gentlemans agreement' over offsheets is really a thing. GMs are hesitant to give up the type of picks you would typically give up


they have 12 picks in next year's draft, and were it not an offersheet, but a trade, that;s a trade every GM in the league makes any day of the week.

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