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Jiri Hudler Accused of Outburst on Plane


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Former Detroit Red Wings and Calgary Flames forward Jiri Hudler is accused of having an outburst on a flight to Prague in which he threatened flight attendants, demanded cocaine and tried to urinate in a food cart, according to a report in the Czech Republic.


Hudler, 33, was said to have threatened a flight attendant when she refused to procure him cocaine. The staff also accuses the veteran of 11 National Hockey League seasons of using cocaine in the washroom.


In a statement to Blesk magazine, Hudler denies the allegations.




This is a bit alarming. I dont recall ever hearing issues about this guy...

If would be one thing if this was an Avery or Rypien doing thing - hilarious, but in this case (based on what I know of him), this is way off-base, and a sign of bigly mental trouble.


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