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Anyone here have experience making them? Tips, templates or any other advice? I have used Inforgr.am and other sites like that, but looking to do something in Photoshop. I know most people will say that Illustrator is good, but I don't have that. I am trying to get better with data visualization and would welcome any tips and/or advice and resources.
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You should absolutely be doing them in Illustrator for two reasons:


1. File size can be minimized greatly by working with vector-based art and as few layers as possible.

2. It's just plain easier.


As to what to do or not, it's tough to say. It all depends on the context of the subject matter, what info needs to be in them, what's most important, etc.


I'd check out sites like Smashing Mag for tips. In fact, they have a great article on it here: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/10/14/the-dos-and-donts-of-infographic-design/

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