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The Funny Internet Video Thread III


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Version three of this thread. AdSense flagged us for inappropriate content again, so it's easier to remove entire threads than it is to nitpick by post to find content they deem inappropriate and remove them individually. Yes, your post counts may drop, as the images/videos in the prior version(s) of this thread were physically removed from the database to prevent that content from serving any longer in any capacity, including through archives.


Same rules apply:


In an effort to curb the issue of crashing on load, as well as script errors, etc. due to how large and demanding the first version of this thread had become, we're closing the original thread and starting fresh with a few new rules in place to better the experience of viewing and participating in this thread.


The following rules are now being added to make this thread function better:


1. Please limit the number of videos you include per post to no more than one. We understand there may be some situations where posting muliple videos is "necessary", but these situations are likely to be rare, so please abide by the one video per post rule under normal circumstances. Staff will clean up posts that exceed the one video limit, and repeat offenders will be subject to warnings/infractions, though this shouldn't become an issue.


2. Text-link videos, where you can. For video-heavy threads, we'd ask that if you think your video is subject to it, simply link to the video and don't actually embed it to reduce the number of concurrent videos loading on any given thread view. An example of this is below:


by The Damned Things.


As opposed to just:



3. DO NOT QUOTE VIDEOS! If you wish to quote a video post, that's fine, and you can quote the user, but you need to remove the actual video from the code before posting that response. The reason for this is to reduce the number of concurrent videos loading on any given thread view. Quoted videos each have to load, which means if User A posts a video, and 9 people quote it laughing, that video actually loads 10 times when the thread is opened, as opposed to just once.


If you are continuing to experience loading/crashing issues, please lower the amount of posts per page you currently view the forum with to reduce the number of concurrent images/videos that may load on any given thread view. To do this, go to Settings (Upper Right) > General Settings > Number of Posts to Show Per Page. 20 or less should drastically reduce or eliminate any loading/crashing issues you were experiencing.




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For text-linking, just drop in the actual URL between URL tags.




You can also just use the "Link" button, and copy and paste the path to the video in it, as you would link any other site or article.

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