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Rumor: Nolan to Produce Justice League Movie; Bale to Reprise Role of Batman

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El Mayimbe over at Latino Review, still considered one of the Internet?s best snoops when it comes to superhero movie scoops, claimed tonight that Christopher Nolan will produce a Justice League movie in which Christian Bale will return as Batman.



The site, whose track record has taken a bit of a ding recently with Marvel sources denying hisPlanet Hulk story from Super Bowl Sunday?but who point out to readers that their Warner/DC track record is impeccable, having churned out such gems as the casting of Brandon Routh as Superman and Heath Ledger as The Joker, says that Man of Steel director Zack Snyder will also produce, and possibly direct, the feature, and that Nolan has taken over as ?godfather? of DC Entertainment?s Warner films.



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