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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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There are plenty of characters that didn't resonate with me that I might not remember the names of but other people who liked those characters would feel were integral.


Bronn got his castle, I'm sure he's not complaining. I'm not sure what you think could have been added to his story line that isn't just comic relief.


Especially when there were not enough minutes to go around.


I'm interested in what significant logical lapses people find. Most character's got wrapped up appropriately in my view.


I liked but didn't love this season. That's a step down from the other 7 seasons for me. It was the lapse of details that are understandable in this short of a season.


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I just wouldn't expect someone who doesn't know who Bronn is to care much about details. That's all.


Here's an example of a significant logical lapse: Jon and Tyrion aren't immediately executed by the Unsullied and Dothraki after their Queen is murdered. All of a sudden they are reasonable people? Even reasonable people would dole out capital punishment, let alone savage armies.


Regardless, I've moved on from the show and onto another one. It was great while it lasted, but the last 2 episodes certainly knock the show down a peg. Certainly takes away from rewatchability.

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I just wouldn't expect someone who doesn't know who Bronn is to care much about details. That's all.

Here's an example of a significant logical lapse: Jon and Tyrion aren't immediately executed by the Unsullied and Dothraki after their Queen is murdered. All of a sudden they are reasonable people? Even reasonable people would dole out capital punishment, let alone savage armies.


Regardless, I've moved on from the show and onto another one. It was great while it lasted, but the last 2 episodes certainly knock the show down a peg. Certainly takes away from rewatchability.


Believe me, man. I care about details of TV. It's my job. Bronn's storyline wasn't one that needed further exploration. His character is a secondary character -- so yeah, his name is not one I was thinking about nor caring about at the end of this journey. I forgot all about him until he walked in the room at the end.


I would say they weren't killed because Jon was the rightful king, which everyone knew by that time. It's also a moment where for the first time in the history of that universe, there's no one to tell them what to do. An "oh shit, what now" moment. Jon and Tyrion were also in the shit with Grey Worm, they're not just random people. They have a deep history. It shows a growth in Grey Worm and ads intrigue to his character arc. He was torn. Which we saw all the way up until the end.


I'd love to know what else you didn't think made any sense. I'm using you as the voice of the vocal minority in social media who went so far as to sign a god damn petition to get the show remade. People who claim that the sanctity of Star Wars is now fucked -- a series that fucking stinks anyway.


I don't mean to jump on you specifically, but I'm a TV writer and I take great offense to people shitting on someone because it didn't go the way they wanted. I reject the terms "lazy" or "bad writing" considering the entire country tuned in for 10+ years to watch this story unfold. Live events were scheduled around the airing of this show. It's the best television show ever made.

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I just wouldn't expect someone who doesn't know who Bronn is to care much about details. That's all.


Here's an example of a significant logical lapse: Jon and Tyrion aren't immediately executed by the Unsullied and Dothraki after their Queen is murdered. All of a sudden they are reasonable people? Even reasonable people would dole out capital punishment, let alone savage armies.


Regardless, I've moved on from the show and onto another one. It was great while it lasted, but the last 2 episodes certainly knock the show down a peg. Certainly takes away from rewatchability.


This to me is more of an example of them not having enough time to cover every detail in an effort to wrap everything up in a six-episode season. Tyrion wasn't executed because Danny didn't order him executed at that moment, just imprisoned. My guess is that she figured she could deal with him later so she could enjoy her victory, but later never came.


Grey Worm has never been a decision maker. He's a follower of orders. He was bred to be a follower of orders. Who's going to order him to execute Jon? We've seen this before. He didn't immediately storm King's Landing when Missande was executed by Cersei because he has that kind of restraint. He loved her more than he loved Dany. So he's not going to take it upon himself to execute Jon.

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Believe me, man. I care about details of TV. It's my job. Bronn's storyline wasn't one that needed further exploration. His character is a secondary character -- so yeah, his name is not one I was thinking about nor caring about at the end of this journey. I forgot all about him until he walked in the room at the end.


I would say they weren't killed because Jon was the rightful king, which everyone knew by that time. It's also a moment where for the first time in the history of that universe, there's no one to tell them what to do. An "oh shit, what now" moment. Jon and Tyrion were also in the shit with Grey Worm, they're not just random people. They have a deep history. It shows a growth in Grey Worm and ads intrigue to his character arc. He was torn. Which we saw all the way up until the end.


I'd love to know what else you didn't think made any sense. I'm using you as the voice of the vocal minority in social media who went so far as to sign a god damn petition to get the show remade. People who claim that the sanctity of Star Wars is now fucked -- a series that fucking stinks anyway.


I don't mean to jump on you specifically, but I'm a TV writer and I take great offense to people shitting on someone because it didn't go the way they wanted. I reject the terms "lazy" or "bad writing" considering the entire country tuned in for 10+ years to watch this story unfold. Live events were scheduled around the airing of this show. It's the best television show ever made.


Nah, I can dislike an episode without being grouped with whiners signing petitions. I enjoyed the rest of the season despite the rushed nature, up until the last episode and bits of the one before that.


I could sit here for 20 minutes typing up a bunch of examples but it's over and it wouldn't change the ending or your mind regardless. You called it the greatest finale in history though and you didn't know who Bronn was. Come on man...you set yourself up on that one. You have a sympathetic attachment for the writers given your own working background, but this kind of job naturally comes with critique. They got a lot of deserved praise for a long time with this show, but they botched the ending and are getting much deserved criticism. They will just have to live with the "but" attached to a description of the series: "Game of Thrones was one of the great tv shows in this era, but the ending wasn't up to par".


Personal opinion: Breaking Bad remains the best written tv show ever made. From start to finish. Game of Thrones had a chance to compete with a ginormous budget and came short at the end.

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This to me is more of an example of them not having enough time to cover every detail in an effort to wrap everything up in a six-episode season. Tyrion wasn't executed because Danny didn't order him executed at that moment, just imprisoned. My guess is that she figured she could deal with him later so she could enjoy her victory, but later never came.


Grey Worm has never been a decision maker. He's a follower of orders. He was bred to be a follower of orders. Who's going to order him to execute Jon? We've seen this before. He didn't immediately storm King's Landing when Missande was executed by Cersei because he has that kind of restraint. He loved her more than he loved Dany. So he's not going to take it upon himself to execute Jon.


Perhaps, but it doesn't explain the Dothraki and there was plenty of other fluff in the season that wasn't nearly as important as explaining the gap between Daenerys' death and the council meeting. All of which still points to bad writing.

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Gotta say though, sure has been a long time. I remember being one of two guys here and/or the old Board, who started to sell this Show to you guys before it even started.

Even vividly remember you not being sold on it after the first couple of episodes. :D @Phil


Good times.


Unfortunate that they couldn't keep up the standard, but the current wave of hate is just as silly.

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If not for Dinklage, I wouldn't even have bothered. He's superb. The writing is Netflix level garbage in an adaptation of a writer (Martin) who is pretty good at this stuff. He struggles in some areas, he's no Tolkien, or Lewis, but to have this as the the ending to what he started? Nah. It's not worthy.
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