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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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Does he? Does there? I'd be perfectly content if neither happened. Less so with the Hound and Mountain simply because I want to see Cleganebowl, but in terms of story, I'm good with all things coming up White Walker at this point. The Great War is the only story that truly matters.


I would add to that with who gets the thrown in the end. Now that Jon Snow knows who his parents are, you know they have to delve into his past just a little bit as well now. You will also have a showdown between Cerci, Tyrionne and Jamie. She wants them dead, so you have that family struggle.

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I would add to that with who gets the thrown in the end. Now that Jon Snow knows who his parents are, you know they have to delve into his past just a little bit as well now. You will also have a showdown between Cerci, Tyrionne and Jamie. She wants them dead, so you have that family struggle.


This is what I mean when I say rushed. Unless you kill one entire side of the current power struggle, and assuming the people come out on top of the white walkers in the Great War, then it will go right back to a power struggle that needs to be resolved.

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A lot is being read into the last few bits of the opening sequence. First there is a crossbow aimed at a dragon head that dissolves into a pic of the empty throne with a Lannister sigil above it.

I bet Tyrion gets the seat. Wasn't he the biggest original name other than Sean Bean? And in todays PC world the dwarf gets to be King?

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I am curious if the Night King is actually Rhaegar Targaryen. From everything they have said in past seasons about how only a Targaryen can ride a dragon, he rode one in the final episode. Also at the end of the first episode this season, his mark that he left is similar to the House Targaryen sigel going around the dragons head.
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I didn't mind the second episode, it builds up to the fight. I found it a little disturbing seeing Aria's boob since we have watched her grow up on the show. I know she is older now, but its still hard seeing her as a little girl to now.
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Doesn't help that regardless of her real-life age (22), she has the face and body of a prepubescent girl.


Related: I'm going out on a limb and suggesting roughly 80% of the folks we saw on screen for this episode will die in Episode 3. Everyone in the fireplace room except Tyrion and I hope Jamie. One of Gendry and/or Arya. Dany and Jon will live (for now). Theon is a goner. So is Bran (but I think he'll warg out... perhaps into a dragon? "You'll never walk again, but you'll fly" premonition...). The entire Unsullied and Dothraki will be slaughtered. Greyworm will die an epic death. Perhaps in Missandei's arms.


In short, it's going to be a slaughter like we've never seen. It'll make the Battles of Blackwater or Hardhome or even the destruction of the Sept of Baelor look like child's play in comparison.


I think that was the entire point in writing these last two episodes with so many feel-good, emotional, come-home-style moments. They're the last bit of humanity we're going to experience until the bitter end.

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Doesn't help that regardless of her real-life age (22), she has the face and body of a prepubescent girl.


Related: I'm going out on a limb and suggesting roughly 80% of the folks we saw on screen for this episode will die in Episode 3. Everyone in the fireplace room except Tyrion and I hope Jamie. One of Gendry and/or Arya. Dany and Jon will live (for now). Theon is a goner. So is Bran (but I think he'll warg out... perhaps into a dragon? "You'll never walk again, but you'll fly" premonition...). The entire Unsullied and Dothraki will be slaughtered. Greyworm will die an epic death. Perhaps in Missandei's arms.


In short, it's going to be a slaughter like we've never seen. It'll make the Battles of Blackwater or Hardhome or even the destruction of the Sept of Baelor look like child's play in comparison.


I think that was the entire point in writing these last two episodes with so many feel-good, emotional, come-home-style moments. They're the last bit of humanity we're going to experience until the bitter end.


I'm not as sure about killing off the stars (like Arya or Bran) in this battle. I definitely think a few main but expendable characters have met their end (Tormund, Greyworm, Gendry, Brienn, Podrick), but there's a whole storyline here regarding Cersei and what happens there. They haven't showed her much leading up to this. What nobody expects is for Cersei to change her mind in regards to helping. She made a comment last season about "let them and the dead fight it out, and we'll handle what's left of them". She is far too smart for this approach, because if mankind loses then what will be left is quite simply the dead + the rest of them converted + 3 raised from the dead ice dragons. Maybe she is so far gone that she would rather mankind be wiped out completely rather than potentially someone else sit on the throne. I actually thought her and Tyrion maybe cut a deal regarding Daenerys' successor (i.e., Daenerys would name Cersei's future child as heir in exchange for help), though that made less sense when she reneged on sending help. I still think there's room for a big surprise here.

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I think the surprise is going to be how few actually survive this, with those few who do escaping to the Iron Islands thanks to Theon sailing whatever he could (presumably to Deepwood Motte). They can then regroup with the Ironborn on the Iron Islands and make one last dash for King's Landing in the hopes of a strategic attack on the city (which should be beseiged by the Night King by then) from both the Western front (Dany and Jon via dragon flight) and the East (Ironborn fleet via Blackwater Bay).


But I'll give you this — Arya probably survives. Bran doesn't. They alluded pretty hard to his death. In fact, I could easily see Arya cutting her way out of the crypts using that fancy new double-ended blade of hers (complete with dragon glass or Valyrian steel — I couldn't tell from the shot).

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I don’t think Dany and Jon will fight it out. Jon doesn’t want the thrown, and as for Dany, either way a Targarian will have the throne in her eyes. She wasn’t as upset as Jon was when she was told who he really was.


Another thing they said when they were filming wasn’t who is going to die this season, it’s who was going to survive. I don’t think everyone will die against the white walkers, but I do think some will. I love Tormund and will be sad when he dies, but I’m also not sure if Arya and Gendry die, they could be the surprise factor and take the throne together. I also think Bran dies while killing the Night King.

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So what did everyone think of last nights episode ? I loved it, but I'm surprised at the number of characters that actually survived and expected a bigger number to die. I also wanted to know more about the Knight King and looking forward to clash with Cersi.
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So what did everyone think of last nights episode ? I loved it, but I'm surprised at the number of characters that actually survived and expected a bigger number to die. I also wanted to know more about the Knight King and looking forward to clash with Cersi.


Haha pretty much exactly what you said. Expected more to die. Thought we would get more of an explanation and story behind the night king here.


The episode was great but after 8.5 seasons of build up it?s a bit underwhelming to see this battle play out in one (albeit long) episode but that has more to do with hbo wanting to wrap this series up than anything else so I can?t be too mad at the show itself.


I enjoyed it a lot but can?t help feel like somethings missing.



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So what did everyone think of last nights episode ? I loved it, but I'm surprised at the number of characters that actually survived and expected a bigger number to die. I also wanted to know more about the Knight King and looking forward to clash with Cersi.


They killed off names we knew but nobody that wasn't expendable. It was a damn good episode. I was highly entertained, but I thought it could have been even better. It felt rushed, but at the same time we always knew how quick it would be over if they got to the NK.

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Cinematically beautiful. Thematically weak. There were so many massive plot holes and just generally stupid moments (like sending the Dothraki [and only the Dothraki] in on a first charge) that I'm more and more upset by hours after experiencing it.


Arya from the top rope was awesome, but come on — she really snuck through an army of the Dead and ran past the entire White Walkers squad to accomplish it? No one could sense her coming? Wights heard her blood drip onto the floor just prior to that. They're not going to hear her fuckin' feet on the ground? :rolleyes:


How the hell did everyone on the North wall live? How? This makes no sense at all. They were overrun and the strategic weak point that then allowed the Wights to flood the castle's interior.


It also feels premature as fuck to have the entire NK story — which was more than just a consistent theme since the first episode; it literally was the opening sequence — end with what amounts to a whimper.


But I guess we got dragons and a giant and a horde of death, so, cool.

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Cinematically beautiful. Thematically weak. There were so many massive plot holes and just generally stupid moments (like sending the Dothraki [and only the Dothraki] in on a first charge) that I'm more and more upset by hours after experiencing it.


Arya from the top rope was awesome, but come on — she really snuck through an army of the Dead and ran past the entire White Walkers squad to accomplish it? No one could sense her coming? Wights heard her blood drip onto the floor just prior to that. They're not going to hear her fuckin' feet on the ground? :rolleyes:


How the hell did everyone on the North wall live? How? This makes no sense at all. They were overrun and the strategic weak point that then allowed the Wights to flood the castle's interior.


It also feels premature as fuck to have the entire NK story — which was more than just a consistent theme since the first episode; it literally was the opening sequence — end with what amounts to a whimper.


But I guess we got dragons and a giant and a horde of death, so, cool.


Agree with this. Tho I have some theories to some of your questions.


I feel the dothraki just got pumped when their swords got fired up, and they have never seen or know what a white walker is. They probably thought they would kill them all alone.


And Arya could have been disguised as a white walker, so she got past the others.


But yeah, I feel something is missing and a lot of questions left unanswered.

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Agree with this. Tho I have some theories to some of your questions.


I feel the dothraki just got pumped when their swords got fired up, and they have never seen or know what a white walker is. They probably thought they would kill them all alone.


And Arya could have been disguised as a white walker, so she got past the others.


But yeah, I feel something is missing and a lot of questions left unanswered.


Everything we think we know of Arya's ability to wear the "face" of another is based on the supposition that they die. Walkers do not die. They shatter. Ergo, how could she possibly wear one of their faces? Moreover, why on earth would they not show that if it were the case? I'd argue that the more likely scenario here is that the scene in the library with her dodging half a dozen Wights was all they thought necessary to set the stage for her ability to get past defenses.


All-in-all, it just feels like a fart in church. In the moment, wow. But then you really think about it and you're like "this probably wasn't something that should have happened."

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Everything we think we know of Arya's ability to wear the "face" of another is based on the supposition that they die. Walkers do not die. They shatter. Ergo, how could she possibly wear one of their faces? Moreover, why on earth would they not show that if it were the case? I'd argue that the more likely scenario here is that the scene in the library with her dodging half a dozen Wights was all they thought necessary to set the stage for her ability to get past defenses.


All-in-all, it just feels like a fart in church. In the moment, wow. But then you really think about it and you're like "this probably wasn't something that should have happened."

I think that's definitely the case. She's known to be pretty, pretty sneaky.

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