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Posts posted by momentum

  1. never saw it coming tbh, my wife was like...why do I get a feeling he's going to jump out of there and start killing people....I'm like...don't think so...he looked pretty sick honey...then he fucking does exactly what she said....maybe im stupid for not seeing it coming, really thought he was done, when they carried him in I thought maybe they other warriors would use the opportunity to get into paris but never though Ragnar would do what he did.

    Great season indeed. Can't wait for next one!

    Rollo is awesome. The father of the normans...:)

  2. Since he died today and I personally didn't even know he existed or that he once played for the Rangers. Vic Howe, brother of some dude named Gordie. 33 games for us over a few year period in the 50s



    Look like twins

  3. I give shows a TON of leeway. A show has to royally fuck up its plot and characters in order for me to stop watching it. The Walking Dead hasn't even come close to that. I don't think I'd ever stop watching it.


    Same here, there is no show EVER that has captured me as much as this show, the apocalypse setting of this show is so interesting to me that no dialogue or even real action is always needed, they could have darryl walking through a village looking at the remains of what was once civilization and not say a thing the entire episode and I would be entertained. really sad about Beth, I would have prefered it was Carol.

  4. I definately decided that i'm going to go the old Wii route, just get one used for the kids with a bunch of games for cheap and skip the Wii U and then when they're older look at what is available at that point.

    I just feel that with where my kids fall right now as far as age (2, 4, 7, 9) (this being mostly for the 7 year old and the 9 year old) with the X Box one and PS4 being a bit too adult for them and the Wii U being a bit of a dud the best choice right now is a used Wii.

    They have NO video game so far just some simple tablets so even the original Wii will be like a million bucks to them.

  5. People need to relax a little, if it was just high paced action all the time the show would get uninteresting pretty quickly. These kind of slow paced episodes telling backstory what happened to characters are very important in setting the mood of the show and gettin a more intimate feel for the people on the show and what they're going through. I think this is what makes this show so great, if they were just running from zombies or governors every episode it would get stale fast. Now that they've had a few episodes showing what happened to some of the characters though they could use an episode or two of things happening/coming to a head.


    Is it only me who find the Carol character extremely annoying? I LOVE Daryl ofc...prob my fav character besides Rick...but Carol...even after she saved them....just rubs me the wrong way.....

  6. I have a problem also, have kids who are 2, 4, 7 and 9.....looking to get a console.....but which one to get...Xbox one or Wii U.....obviously the xbox one is the better hardware and games but it's more expensive and more adult oriented, then you have wii u that is cheaper and more family oriented but is a weaker system.....which one to get....they played the old wii at their cousins house and LOVES it....im thinking at this point maybe just getting a used wii for cheap with some games and then when they get a bit bigger get the xbox one when those games suit them better.....what to do what to do....hmm


    Both the older ones already have kindle fire tablets and im getting the LeapFrog LeapPad3 Learning Tablet for my 4 year old. think it looks PERFECT as a starting tablet for a 4 year old.

  7. Agree with Phil, this episode was pretty mediocre (although I love ALL walking dead episodes because they all have their place in building the storyline, every episode can't be action filled and crazy or SUPER interesting, other bits of the story needs to be told as well).

    As you said the reveal was obvious and it was kind of like ahh finally they know what we all already suspected/known all along. I found the episode exciting in the fact that it ends the constant bs story about finding salvation in DC and now what are they gonna do?? that story line now came to a halt at a crossroads and they're gonna have to decide what to do next, i'm excited about that.

  8. I Just can't get over how fucking good this show is...after all this time.....pulls me in like no other....seem to only get better as well imo. The whole stretch from end of last season to beginning of this season might be the best in the whole series imo.

    I didn't mind the last episode, im starting to like Beth more and more. every since she drank moonshine with Daryl she's been on my good list.

  9. Took me a while to get to the finale, but man, they pulled that off masterfully with King Horik's whole betrayal plot turning on him like that.


    Never doubt Floki!


    They did a good job, my wife was hating on Floki so bad...lol

  10. Wow... Jarl Borg's Blood Eagle...




    That might be the most brutal thing I've ever seen on television.


    Sick fucking Vikings....damn.....Borg really took it like a man.


    Love this show...only show I look forward to even more is Game of Thrones but this comes close.

  11. Can't teach size, but you can teach the big kids how to use it as opposed to teaching a kid that's 4'6 how to play at 5+. More often than not, the little guys get frustrated. There comes a time when everyone is around the same speed. Of course some will be faster than others, but those that dominate in levels where you can't hit are in for a rude awakening.


    And this is the beauty of hockey...its a PHYSICAL GAME.....vaginas need not apply....if you like no contact go play bandy on a frozen soccer field.....

  12. What revenge? They're fuckin 5. People are so fuckin stupid. Call me when they hit bantams. I love the parents in squirt and pw, that like to alienate kids from their super team, when their kid weighs 60 lbs. Some are 1 season away from checking, so mommy better start stuffing some fuckin cheeseburgers down their throats, or their little all stars won't be on the list in the hallway in 2 years. Fuckin idiots.


    THIS...can't stand parents like this.

  13. It was a slightly slow episode but I think sometimes these type of episodes are needed to set things up for the future, every episode can't be complete chaos.

    I'm still mesmerized by this show, people stuck in a zombie infested post apocalypse type of world trying to stay alive....I just don't think I can ever stop watching it.

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