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Posts posted by momentum

  1. Are you insinuating that our very own board moderator prematurely dons prophylactics? Because I'm a firm believer in safe sex, and personally I think it's never too early to wrap it up. Unless of course you're still on the date or something. Then it's just creepy.


    LOL didn't even think of the Phil being Rome 2.0...good one!! :) I was ofc referring to the show "Rome" that was way too short :)

  2. Yes, and Ragnar is the main protagonist. How many shows can you name where the main protagonist dies and the show survives?


    I know I know, but a man can dream can't he?? Seriously I think in this specific case it COULD be successful just because the show is so much about the TIME where it's taking place and the culture and the adventure etc. Ragnar had several sons that they could at least continue with but they could somehow fuse in some other character that you get to follow on some adventure as well. It's all about the writing and the casting. If they're both really really good they could continue this show even after Ragnar's possible death.

    I know I for one wouldn't stop watching Vikings if Ragnar died in the next episode for example, even though I love him and think Travis Fimmel is doing a fantastic job portraiting him it's still the world of the Vikings as whole that draws me and makes me want to watch, not Ragnar himself. Also Ragnar is more or less mythical and if they wanted they could simply drag the show out for as many seasons as they wanted with him having whatever adventure they want to then in the end have him die if they want when they want to wrap the show up anyway.

    I really hope they don't do a "Rome" with this show and wrap it up much too early.

  3. She's gonna be even more pissed if/when they cut the series short to just two or three seasons.


    Again, the story of Ragnar Lodbrok, the charcter the Lothbrok one is based on, has sort of.... a short life.


    Remember guys the show is called Vikings..not Ragnar Lothbrok....so if it's extremely popular they COULD go on with this story indefinitely or for a VERY long time considering the Viking age stretched for hundreds of years after him...just saying..

  4. Ragnar's response to King Aelle's attack on the camp was amazing, too, sending in his dead brother as a return favor.


    That whole scene with Ragnar at the feast was just amazing too. I love all the little facial expressions he makes, laughing at all the requests and claims of Aelle, and the baptism scene as well.


    Yes I agree...I have to say the Travis Fimmel who's portraying Ragnar is doing an amazing job, you really get the sense he IS the character Ragnar, he has created this multi nuanced character who is intelligent, charismatic, curious, brave, ruthless, funny and slightly insane all wrapped into one, he does such a great job acting with pure facial expression and very few words. Really a great character.

    It's really interesting to watch the culture crash between the Scandinavian pagans and the English Christians...they have done a great job with it. You really get that sense of curiosity mixed with wariness and the feel that no one knows what to expect or what's going to happen next at any time.

    • Like 1
  5. What an action-packed episode tonight was! We now know exactly how this gets us to season two.


    Love the little internal conflict between Rollo and Floki over Rollo "accepting" the be baptized.


    Yes! loved the episode! Great with the king cursing him and swearing revenge....

  6. Phil is right...this show is a lot about just staging and explaining the different relationships in the first couple of episodes..you have to watch to episode 4 at least and I would suggest 5 to really get a feel for the show.

    If you don't like it after watching the first 4 or 5 then I guess it's just not for you.

    I mean I loved it instantly but im really INTO this kind of stuff and this stuff is extremely interesting to me since I'm decendant from the ppl and places they are showing on the show but def give it 4 shows before cutting it off.

    But really no one is forcing anyone to watch anything, if it's too boring don't watch it.

  7. Glenn and Maggie are both horrible shots. With fully automatic assault rifles, they still couldn't hit a single body in a row of dozens fleeing the prison from a range of no farther than 50 feet.


    Indeed..had they just simply not used automatic fire but instead gone for aimed semi auto fire they could have popped 10 peeps running away at least. But I guess it's not as dramatic as the sound of auto fire, just more effective. :)

    I love Tyrese missing shots at like 20 yards with a scoped bolt action rifle too...wow....he should just skip the bullets and use the rifle as a bat...would be more effective that way tbh.


    On a different note...the Governor losing it and shooting his whole flock of sheep was one of the greatest things I've ever seen on the show...you could see his frustration and insanity.....he's eyes.....damn.....craaaaaaaaazy......great acting....glad he didn't die, he's a fun char and now he can pop up when we least expect it. Carl turning into mini governor is awesome too.

  8. This show is just special...never been so on the edge of my seat watching a show ever in my life tbh....just amazing...I find myself hoping they make 50 seasons of it so I never have to go a year without watching it...
  9. Is it because you're Scandinavian? :rofl:


    Well I probably have a stronger interest in Viking culture than the average person since they were ancestors of mine but I think the show is great so far regardless of that, it's a show that anyone should be able to enjoy if you're interested whatsoever in history or even if you just like adventures with ppl going on the hunt for the unknown and use swords and axes killing each other etc.:)

  10. Poop. I didn't watch any of the first few episodes. I'll have to see if they'll re-air them, or if History channel has an On Demand function.


    They do have on demand, so far the show is fucking awesome IMO.

  11. Yes I really think the storyline seems to be fantastic, you just can't wait to see how things are going to go down. Very well cast as well IMO, i like all the actors who seem to fit their roles perfectly.
  12. awesome episode, I love anytime they go somewhere new to loot or to just check things out, you get to see how things played out there and what the last ppl alive there did to handle the situation etc, and you never know what's around the next corner. Love the return of Morgan.

    As far as Tyreese goes yeah he's pissed at Rick right now but he seems to be way too much of a stand up good guy to hang out with the governor for any extended period of time when he finds out what a complete nutjob he is.

    He'll prob switch sides as someone said at some point, maybe when things are looking real grim for Rick and co.

  13. O man did I win or what! Just watched episode last night, I def see Merle getting killed sooner rather than later. Darryl see's what his brother has become and there's a back story about them, I'm sure we'll find out about it seems.


    I wouldn't be surprised if it's Darryl himself who will finally have to put Merle out of his misery.

  14. Huh. You'd figure with the "record ratings" that the budget would INCREASE, and we'd see more of the stuff we saw in the first season, rather than less of it.


    And as for what the comic books do, what's the point of having a zombie-infested world if you de-emphasize the zombies? It's called the Walking Dead, not Melrose Place v2.0.


    One of the major points of the show (and the authors of the comic books) is that in a post apocalypse world filled with zombies, humans and their will to survive are still the most dangerous thing you can encounter..., it's a show about survival at it's core. The zombies are simple there to set an atmosphere, just an obstacle you have to work around to continue to survive. This is why they are focusing on character development and the lives of these different people and what they have to do to survive and how dangerous their interactions are with other people also on a mission to survive.

    I love this show, it holds me captive completely like few other shows can do.

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