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Everything posted by rvbcaboose

  1. I've always enjoyed the occasional deathklok song. This is probably my favorite one
  2. This is gonna have to be pretty damn good to keep people interested. Personally, i think TWD is expanding too far too fast. The comics and TV show I think are fine, but between the video games (2 separate series with a 3rd on the way), and this, its beginning to get out of hand. I just hope people appreciate the series for the content, and not just the name on the front.
  3. I like the trailer...but at the same time I don't. I feel like it's giving away too much info. It's probably a misdirection, but 4 minutes and I feel like all the main plot points have already been laid out and then some.
  4. Agreed. I remember waking up in the morning for school to catch a little bit of Wild West Tech, then coming home to Modern Marvels. Then at night watching Dogfights or Battle 360. Then, during special occasions like July 4th or June 6th, they'd show Band of Brothers on top of some actual history shows. History channel is where I fell in love with history. It's a shame that actual historical shows like the Men who Built America or that Gettysburg special are the only times when history actually gets to be front and center. Its all Ax Men, Pawn Stars, and ancient aliens.
  5. I fucking hate hornets and wasps. The only think that can make me scream like a girl.
  6. Overall, how is Beach? From what I've read, the kids got some promise, but most of the Chicago fans considered him a bust.
  7. Itll be interesting to see what Bull from Band of Brothers can bring to the zombie apocalypse.
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