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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. If anyone is into sludgey doom type of metal. Let me know what you think about my cousins band.. https://falsegods1.bandcamp.com/releases
  2. He was also hanging out with the summer prior. Maybe even when he signed. Gotta like this guy.
  3. Exactly Phil. Seeing Type O Negative listed as "goth" makes me scratch my head, because they wete pretty much a hardcore band from the get go, branching off of Carnivore. Yes they had a lead dinger who sometomes sang like a vampire, but the majority of their music wasnt like that. Yes, they had a couple goofy Halloween themed songs, but they had a shit ton more songs that defined them, and they certainly didn't take themselves seriously. "I used to pick up the garbage, now I write it" doesn't sound gothic to me. Lol, that man was an insane genius. But I get how people try to simplify the answer, though I disagree with that list posted about some bands. Just way off in my opinion. Fear factory as industrial? Since when? NIN and Skinny puppy are industrial. No andry death metal singing in that stuff. But since they use some key boards and add some bass effects that makes them industrial? Guess the list maker missed their first 3 or 4 albums. God was demanufacture a great one.. Ah well. Just someones take on it.
  4. Pfffft. Relax. I get why you posted ot. Not a big deal. Just a pet peave, for similar reasons Phil stated. But, i get trying to describe or give a title to the type of music uou like to people.
  5. Well we disagree. I can dig some country though. You dont like Bane??? Jesus. Wow. LOL.
  6. Yeahhh but selling records doesnt necessarily mean anything about talent. If that were true pop music and everything else at the top of charts wouldn't be such crap. Its what is being exposed to people and over the last 15 years music hasn't been put out there for a listener to chose. Radio and TV aren't about what people like. Its what some director or executive wants to push onto the listener. Long gone are rock radio stations that dont have set programing to play the same tracks all day everyday. There are no actual requests taken from listeners. Its all chosen by someone who "knows" what the people want ". If record sales meant an artist is doing something right, I guess Britney and Kanye, and all this other garbage that has taken the focus of the airwaves is "good". Im pretty damn sure you don't agree that anything popular and on the top of the charts, is good music.
  7. I think DT got better. Was never into the Opeth thing. Wasn't into 12 minute songs lol. As for Metallica. I liked the Black album and even parts of Load. But its more obvious that the change in sound was due to the majority music writer died in Cliff Burton. Also, lets not act like Metallica was playi g to 100 people before the Black album. They were packing out big venues and arenas prior to the Black album. I disagree with what youre saying about simplifying the sound to suit the larger arena. Otherwise bands like Pantera, Down, At the Gates, Slayer, Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage, Amorphis, Amon Amarth and so on, wouldn't sound amazing in huge venues and stadiums. Nothing wrong at all with simplifying and stripping down the music. As long as its GOOD. But not for a second do I buy that Metallica changed their sound due to sound quality.. If that were the case there wouldn't be a such thing as St Anger. Which was an abortion of sound quality. It might have been good has the producer not put that awful snare drum at the forefront of all the music..
  8. Reroute to Remain was good. The one after had a couple good songs. But I just couldn't dig it anymore after that. Im ok with change. But atleast make it good. I mean Whoracle, the Jester race and Colony were great albums and a different feel. Clayman was frikken consistently good/ great that didn't stray too far away from the previous stuff, but was definitely different. I believe the older stuff was written by the guitarist from Dark Tranquility. He left the band. They got softer and IMO gradually worse. Ah well. Not all bands can be great and get better, like Amorphis.
  9. Ooops forgot to post that it was Lehners. I've given up on In Flames. Just keep getting worse and worse. After Reroute to Remain just couldn't listen to any of their stuff. Maybe a song here or there, but Clayman is one of my favorite all time albums. I wonder if Lundqvist knows them as they are from the same town/city, as is Soilwork and Im sure others.
  10. Ahhhh, Long Island hardcore memories. So many old venues. .. As of a couple weeks ago Revolution is at the site of the old craw daddies.
  11. Sabres goalie has an In Flames inspired Jester on his new mask. Cool mask, but Ive given up on that band. http://sports.cbsimg.net/images/nhl/blog/Robin_Lehner_Mask_2.png
  12. I thought it closed in like 95. Craw daddies, the swing set, as well as VFW's, bowling alleys, basements and such were some of the places I was seen at the time. If you were a frequent LI hardcore kid from those days, you'll be glad to know Tension is still fucking playing (lol). They played with Outrage and a few other of those brother bands about a month ago at Revolution in Amityville (old Craw daddies ). I didnt go.... Lots of shows going on there lately as well as the Amityville music hall if youre still into that kind of stuff still.
  13. Not into the music all that much, but this is the BEST music video EVER.
  14. You went to the Pwack wearing Jencos? Didn't think it was still open when they were in style.
  15. Listen to Caboose, Harrison Bergeron, and Zombie prescription off of Progression through unlearning. They do have quite the Helmet flavor. But theyre way better.
  16. While a nation sleeps was really fucking good though. I agree about the political rants by bands at live shows. Just shut up and play.
  17. Oooooo. I love BSF. Was really happy with their last release. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Keep hearing good things about Uncle Acid. I gotta check them out. Not sure if its been posted but new Graveyard is out. Im loving the stoner rock from all over the world.
  19. Saw it. Was meh imo. Kinda boring and you already know the ending.
  20. Whats good about WWE is how the fans have begun to seriously pick and choose who they like and are very vocal about it live. They aren't cheering for who the WWE is trying to force as the next face/bad guy. Often mocking main event talent, and cheering heels such as Owens. Really wish they would repackage some guys. Like Rybak. The feed me more shit he feels the need to get chanted is... fucking stupid. I like Bray Wyatt. Creepy character, that is getting stale. Move on with the story line already. They have a decent roster. The writing just sucks balls.
  21. Whats good about WWE is how the fans have begun to seriously pick and choose who they like and are very vocal about it live. They aren't cheering for who the WWE is trying to force as the next face/bad guy. Often mocking main event talent, and cheering heels such as Owens. Really wish they would repackage some guys. Like Rybak. The feed me more shit he feels the need to get chanted is... fucking stupid. I like Bray Wyatt. Creepy character, that is getting stale. Move on with the story line already. They have a decent roster. The writing just sucks balls.
  22. Oh, I totally agree. Its been so bad. You would think by now the "evil bad bosses who dont care what the fans want" angle would be done snd overwith.. Nope. Who rights this shit? Its unbearable, yet I seem to be interested lately. I gotta get a life. FUCK. Im watching wrestling when it SUCKS. I am drawn to Lesnar though. Maybe thats it.
  23. Oh, I totally agree. Its been so bad. You would think by now the "evil bad bosses who dont care what the fans want" angle would be done snd overwith.. Nope. Who rights this shit? Its unbearable, yet I seem to be interested lately. I gotta get a life. FUCK. Im watching wrestling when it SUCKS. I am drawn to Lesnar though. Maybe thats it.
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