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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Bro, if you are letting hot girls go with teh warning of "tell yer dad idid this " then yer giving the wrong instructions =p
  2. pffffffffffffffffffffft, I call it being well rounded :)
  3. nah, i was a biochemistry grad student at the time lol
  4. The last time I got a ticket, it was 1998 I think.
  5. When was the last time you got a ticket?
  6. Attractive girls always get out of tickets. It's just the way it is. Even cops are human :D
  7. Well, gee, that didn't take long, lol.
  8. lol nah, i drive around in a Tahoe at work a lot and it's very comfortable :)
  9. lol yeah it can suck, especially when its hot outside. In a couple of weeks i have to do a 60 hour/4 day marathon. Fun fun.
  10. worked 40 hours in the last three days. Now off until Tuesday. Feels great but man i was tired by the end yesterday.
  11. oh, and we started playing outdoor soccer now in the evening. It was freaking cold tonight lol
  12. Lol, it takes me about 45 minutes to drive to work. During that time i have a large redbull and a cup of coffee already lol
  13. I'm going to be like that tomorrow for sure. It's my last day off today and the first day back is always the hardest. Dragging feet all day lol
  14. Lol, you know we were all thinking it too.
  15. Hmm...Nik texts me the other day that he sprained his leg possibly. You're dog just so happened to sprain his leg too. Both have 3 letter names. too many coincidences. Nik and Max are one in the same.
  16. lol, I think most moms are like that. 30 seconds of substance, 15 minutes about the weather, what she made for dinner, how her cat did something funny the other day, and other nonsense.
  17. Hell if i were gonna do that, i would just wait for when i actually do have angry ass and talk to him while I'm on the bowl. He'll probably never call again lol
  18. Anyone ever have a friend that it's impossible to get off the phone with? I have a friend that i swear has to be the reasons why text messages were invented in the first place. I dont like talking on the phone. Its dumb. There is rarely I need to say anything so quick that I cant just say in a text or mail or whatever. He says bye like 15 different ways. I'm just like "ok, yeah, ok, alright, see ya, I will dude, okay cool, yeah, see ya, I hear ya, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
  19. See now today is supposed to be a wash out of a day. IT SHOULD BE SNOW BUT ITS LIKE 50 FUCKING DEGREES IN FEBRUARY. :palm:
  20. This winter has been such a bust. It blows. Where's the damn cold weather?
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