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quick release

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Everything posted by quick release

  1. Game of Thrones > Breaking Bad >>>>>> Treme >>>>>>>>>>>> Walking Dead > Sons of Anarchy
  2. That's not my position at all though. I don't watch for the zombies. I have friends that do and complain like you're talking about, but I watch for the story and mostly the characters/dialogue/suspense. I'm not a fan of horror in the first place. My problem is simply that it feels so fucking cheezy. Especially with that damn kid and Lori's stupid psycho-trip. I want subtlety, something this show is NOT delivering. It's all exaggerated nonsense at this point. Honestly it's very much reminding me of Sons of Anarchy's bad qualities. Cheese.
  3. It's not like im analyzing the script or anything. Its just a puke-in-mouth cheesy feeling I get when it's so forced... can't really ignore that. I have my other qualms too. The cast talks so highly of that little kid but I think hes shite. Plus they seriously coddle their fucking audience character-wise (not speaking of gore) - its always a close call. Just kill someone already.
  4. Im disliking this show more and more with every episode. It feels so unnatural and soapoperaish lately.. that last 10 seconds with Lori being crazy and Rick's stare. Bleh. Need more Darryl.
  5. So I had no idea Andrew Lincoln (who plays Rick) is BRITISH (same with the farmers daughter I think)! He has a pretty strong accent too. He was on O+A this morning and gave a little info on the next episode. Spoiler below.. not a major one in my opinion..doesn't name the character(s) involved but still, click at your own risk:
  6. I loved the bar scene. The main guy in that scene is from Terriers, a show on FX that I was deeply saddened to see cancelled. He's such a solid actor. I hated the fact that Lori went down into town after them. It just doesn't make any sense. Why the fuck would you write that in? The whole show has just been sidetrips and people getting lost... enough is enough. Is anyone a fan of the comic book series.. did that actually happen? Write it in a "Spoiler" thingy if you know the answer please.
  7. suckkks. i assume you're alright.. hows the car?
  8. HBO Go makes that sort of thing much less justifiable. I would have bought that for my older bro, but I just gave him the password to my account.
  9. I don't like 1 single member of the group lately. Seriously.. not one. They're all being fucking stupid in one way or another. Sophia being in the barn makes perfect sense I dont know why I didnt see it coming. Sooo we have to wait until what date to see another episode?
  10. Ah my bad. I hate spoilers more than anyone. Hope I didn't ruin anything. I thought that was well-known though.. they've been very open about not following the comic book exactly.
  11. Jacqui we hardly knew. Same with Jim. Both the boy and the little girl can't live. That's just too damn soft for a zombie show.
  12. Amy was the only one from the main group that has really died and she wasn't even a really major character. The scientist is hardly a character at all. I don't think a major character needs to die every episode.. but one a season and maybe a supporting character or two. I mean who has died that we've gotten to know at all? It's bullshit in my opinion. Way too soft for a show that focuses on such a harsh world.
  13. This show pisses me off as much as I enjoy it. How can you have a zombie show where all of the main characters live? The black guy gets that huge gash on his arm and the next scene he's all taped up. Of course he lives. The boy is gonna probably live. Shane lived through that high school trip. And they'll probably find that little girl. People need to die. Also, why do they have so much electricity on the farm?
  14. If you don't have an iPhone, you don't have an iPhone. I don't have an iPhone. I have a shitty fucking droid 2 that has serious camera focus issues. But believe me it was hilarious. The thing looked pretty happy.
  15. So I'm on my way back from class. I hear a "oink oink" as I'm approaching a crosswalk. And this dude is carrying a potbelly pig across the street.. the pig (not the dude) is wearing a hotdog costume. No joke. He had him on a leash. WTF!?
  16. That's cool. You guys watch wrestling. I play D&D :)
  17. The first scene was corny as hell. Something about it just irked me. The rest of the episode was about par. Well worth watching still. I'm starting to like that blonde.. forget her name. Dead Amy's sister.
  18. Not positive actually on the budget "cuts". I just know the main guy in charge left partly due to budget reasons. My friend was telling me they would have needed a large budget to successfully pull off one of the episodes. Something about a shit-ton of zombies.
  19. Where'd you hear that? I honestly would expect the opposite. And whoa. I just read about Darabont's departure from series. That sucks. Hopefully Glen Mazzara kept it together.
  20. I watch it. And the first season was incredible. Be warned though... they're supposedly screwing up badly with season two. I mean they already aren't following the story of the comic book. Then they go and fire everyone. Then they cut the budget bigtime. People are pissed off about it... especially those who were fans of the comic book first. This season is 13 episodes. Hard to believe they pulled that off in a year without a writing staff and with a lowered budget. I'm eager to see how it turned out.
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