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Everything posted by siddious

  1. Honestly I remember noticing only one thing, and it was minor. And I read GoT so long ago I don't even remember exactly what it is :rofl:
  2. I have never seen so many actors from a show come out and say "THIS IS SUCH A GOOD SHOW" lol awesome though I really cant wait. Little more than a month!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Thanks dude. I had a feeling you would have a good suggestion :)
  4. Business cards... should I just go with zazzle or vista print or is it really worth finding something a little less... internet-print-y? Or is there another site that is much better? I will be designing it myself (illustrator/Photoshop) and I am looking at both zazzle and vista print and there are not many options on either outside of paper color and size. Anyone have any SERIOUS suggestions?
  5. I am not gonna lie, I think the show could be better but its certainly not bad or anything. Still a lot of fun to watch.
  6. It drives me insane as I am not really a phone person to begin with. If you look at my phone log its all like 30 second calls for the most part, the exceptions being my girlfriend and mom. The worst part is we don't even have anything to catch up on because I still live with my parents :rofl:
  7. That's how my mom is. I dread picking up the phone if she ever calls me. She will literally have nothing to say and still not want to hang up.
  8. yea i dont like her character much
  9. I think the bar scene was what put it over the top. We havent seen any people vs. people yet and I think that scene made the whole show a little bit more dynamic. Also when they were loading corpses into the truck and the arms falls off as they drove off had me LOL The only thing I didnt like about the episode was Rick's wife being a moron.
  10. um.. no. I THINK its the best of the season so far.
  11. Just watched the last episode. Easily the best of the season. The entire bar scene was awesome.
  12. you should have been all like DONT FLATTA YASELF HONEY!
  13. Yea I am not crazy about the area but its not too bad there
  14. oh yea my sister is in Kissemme, formerly in Claremont, near Orlando. Its all like former new yorkers around there :rofl:
  15. well the majority of people who speak it are down south. I dunno what it is about the accent it just really annoys me. Makes everything sound really stupid.
  16. The south IS beautiful. But southern accents drive me insane. I cant take anyone seriously who speaks like that. edit: also ide probably sweat through all of my clothes in like 3 days.
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