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Everything posted by siddious

  1. just finished filling out like 20 job applications.... holy hell the headache :/ probably going to try to double that # tomorrow.
  2. dammit there goes my last hope of playing in the nhl.
  3. I watched the show first then read the series. Just do it at the same time.
  4. I thought that all the chapters that focused on Myrcella (or rather the people around her) were incredibly boring and led to no where.
  5. Finally got around to finishing AFFC. Last 50 pages or so were so much more interesting than the rest of the book. Really cant wait to start ADWD
  6. another week*? whatever it is my point still stands lol
  7. http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/web05/2012/3/20/16/enhanced-buzz-17525-1332274774-3.jpg had me rofl
  8. if you are going to be banned for a week you better go out in a blaze of glory
  9. What did he have a Zima and two cokes?
  10. So im not even done with school and I already have two job offers :D
  11. On talking dead yesterday the writers mentioned that one of the three "what happened to" characters... morgan, duane, and darryls brother will be on the show again in season 3.
  12. Pretty much agree with everything here. Lori and her stupid kid are my least favorite characters on the show.
  13. What the hell I couldnt even tell that was a "prison" that they showed at the end until "talking dead" came on and they mentioned it :rofl: But honestly.. what a frickin awesome season. I love this show. Lori getting mad at rick made hate here just that much more. Why is she such a stupid bitch?
  14. I wonder to what length season two will reach as a far as book 2 is concerned. Anyone know? I am assuming theyre not going to do all of book two in season two since there is only so much material to get through and the last (2?) books arent even finished.
  15. What a crazy episode. Couldnt believe shane actually went that far.
  16. AFFC is awful compared to the first three books. Story has really come to a grinding halt. Was waiting for something to finally happen in the book and it never came. I really hope ADWD is better.
  17. How can you possibly blame them? They iced some of the worst teams for many many years. Hell I dont even think their games were being broadcast at one point.
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