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Everything posted by siddious

  1. took my less than 18 minutes to get from my girls house on the upper west side to my house in queens. Has to be some kind of record lol
  2. nah shanny is cool. he would probably troll this place worst than jimmy
  3. the only good that might come of it is that they might convince shanny to join here so I can tell him how he and jagr are my favorite players of all time about 50 times a day
  4. my girlfriend disliked this episode. I could not understand why I thought it was one of the better ones of the season so far. Seems like she was not the only one to think so.
  5. there it is. what a random spot for it lol
  6. probably been mentioned somewhere in the thread but I dont feel like reading through 32 pages.. where do you check how many rep points you have?
  7. i dont know dude.. joffrey is an evil farg I want killed but lori from the walking dead is such a stupid bitch that my hate for her reaches levels I have never known even existed
  8. yea I guess that is it. Plus I know what happens now so it seems like more should go into an episode. maybe.
  9. episodes are definitely shorter than season 1 episodes, no? it almost feels like a bit of a disappointment since you wait all week and then they fly by so quickly.
  10. bah stupid rain throwing my exercise routine off track (no pun intended), couldn't run this morning :/
  11. hehe i was surprised it wasn't mentioned yet these frickin episodes just fly by though. feels like they are no more than 15 minutes long each.
  12. playing isnt that bad when its you and a few friends. playing competitively is just as boring as watching. played one season in my life and ive never been more bored.
  13. :rofl: dont even know why that made me laugh so hard but it did
  14. Birds ALWAYS nest under our AC's. its at the point where we don't even notice them any more.
  15. Yea its not fear. I have actually tried before I just really cant do it.
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