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Everything posted by LindG1000

  1. Lemme know. Could meet at Penn at 5, 530.
  2. What did you have in mind? I've got an hour train ride in so give me the heads up.
  3. Im just sayin, me and you running around the east village smashed out of our minds at 4pm....
  4. What, you wanna go hit up continental and get 5/$10 shots?...because THAT isn't a recipe for disaster.
  5. Neither do I, but I also don't feel like running up a $150 dollar tab from being in the Puck from noon to midnight :) (plus the parking and 22 bucks for train fare)
  6. rainbow and peanut butter. so goooodddd worth noting that the E.L. Fudge double stuffed are never on this 2/4 sale.
  7. I've come to two realizations: 1) I'm pretty sure the only reason I shop at Wegmans is because I'm convinced they have the best deals on everything I love. 2) the 2/$4 boxes of Keebler cookies can't be good for me.
  8. ugh....beautiful day outside, but i feel like crap
  9. Chicken with sweet chili salsa over a bed of noodles.
  10. How does ANYONE want to sleep with you?
  11. Jules buddy, you know I love you and the story of Fortuna Sittard is amazing - but i can't help but notice they're like the Pittsburgh Pirates of Dutch football :D
  12. it's all done. just gotta wait for the adjustor to look at the car now. I'm getting my rental at lunch.
  13. and claim time. bah. time to get le rental car.
  14. Yup. I need a rental today too. THAT best get to me.
  15. Waiting for word on my car and how much it's going to cost me to fix it.
  16. If you're picking a campus for partying you've applied to all the wrong schools and frankly you need to re-think your shit. BTW - Binghamton does a lot of in-dorm partying and the downtown area is a 5 minutes, $3-a-head cab ride. But hey, who cares as long as you're getting trashed and getting a degree, right? Alex, you're not so stupid as to use campus layout as a criteria for attending a college - at least I don't believe that. Prove me wrong, but I don't believe that. BTW, if you applied to Bing's Business school, they place heavy into Big 4 firms.
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