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Status Updates posted by Bluephoria

  1. Hah.. The rangers AND Bayern have played better since I changed my facebook photo from a Robben jersey (which it was since before both seasons started) to a pic of myself. :)
  2. Hah.. The rangers AND Bayern have played better since I changed my facebook photo from a Robben jersey (which it was since before both seasons started) to a pic of myself. :)
  3. Haha. Well next time I'm stalking you in public I'll make myself known. Lol
  4. Haha. Well next time I'm stalking you in public I'll make myself known. Lol
  5. You were walking with some chick.. I was saving you from a real awkward explanation afterward. Hah
  6. You were walking with some chick.. I was saving you from a real awkward explanation afterward. Hah
  7. just saw you pushing a stroller by rhame avenue.. haha
  8. just saw you pushing a stroller by rhame avenue.. haha
  9. Who's your daddy!?
  10. Who's your daddy!?
  11. Incorrect, dreamer-son.
  12. Incorrect, dreamer-son.
  13. Who do you think thought it to him?
  14. Who do you think thought it to him?

    you know this chick at 1:33? I gotta go to Hamburg to meet her. ha


    you know this chick at 1:33? I gotta go to Hamburg to meet her. ha

  17. Oh man thanks for the reminder... Totally forgot.. It's starting right now!
  18. Oh man thanks for the reminder... Totally forgot.. It's starting right now!
  19. Damn you Phil! I was gonna take Bergeron.. I knew I should have not been lazy and done it last night. ha
  20. http://www.fox.com/programming/shows/?sh=new-girl


    ooooohh mannnnnnnnn.. here's your new favorite show.

  21. http://www.fox.com/programming/shows/?sh=new-girl


    ooooohh mannnnnnnnn.. here's your new favorite show.

  22. Haha, you have not. Do tell!
  23. Haha, you have not. Do tell!
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