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Everything posted by Slobberknocker

  1. nice wins on the emmy's. best director for the finale too, Nutter who also did band of bros. filming now. Winter is coming.
  2. http://photos.vanityfair.com/2015/08/25/55dc7445169027501c6fdca3_game-of-thrones-hound-lives.jpg great photo
  3. saw motley crue at the barclay's center last wednesday with alice cooper opening for him. awesome show on both ends as they killed it. first time in the barclay's, not a bad venue.
  4. What I find interesting is that all things sort of remain the same from the start of season 5 to the finish. The Boltons still rule the north, Lannisters in Kings Landing, Dany's in Mereen. Stannis, a three time loser goes down for the count. Dany's with the Dothraki are an interesting set up. If she can get them to join with the castrated guys she will have one hell of an army, assuming Tyrion can get Mereen under control.
  5. That was really tough to watch regarding Shireen. Took me back to some of the most disturbing scenes that played out on OZ, if you watched that series. That being said the ending was totally awesome. If the other two dragons weren't in chains the hole harpy uprising would have been ended right there. Chess pieces are really moving now. Hate the fact that we will most likely have an epic cliff hanger next week but what can you do. the whitewalker episode was my total fav of the series. next week will have a hard time topping it.
  6. i came out of last weeks episode feeling like the plot line has turned into something out of a wrestling script. sansa to bolton???? loved the nightwatch scene the best with the god father friends close reference. so glad to see that guy lose his head.
  7. read an article yesterday that the leaked episodes were of lesser quality. on that alone i'd rather watch in HD if for nothing else than the fact that the shot quality is a beautiful thing to see. as to the 1st episode clearly a setting of the chessboard pieces type of thing and about what was expected.
  8. This signing sorta reinforces what I said in the Rangers thread in that I'd like to see a bit more blueline depth in the minor's and via the Hayes signing channel.
  9. just well acted. if you havent read the books its just awesome the way the show drops the trip hammers on you. i was so jacked when Tyrion killed his father.
  10. would have loved another two episodes spread in this year. Some of the story telling really came down the pipe quick due to the time constraints. Overall though a really good season. Incredible how they repeatedly off the top talent. Never seen this in a show before. very interesting regarding the advisors to kings landing. Baelish sold them out on Joffrey, Vary's takes a sail at the end of the season and it only leaves that old bastard that Cersei hates left. Maybe the guy thats saving the mountain takes a larger role here moving forward. You have to think sometime next year Baelish and Vary's are found out and become hunted.
  11. Agreed. The last 10 minutes blew my mind. Anyone think that Varys was going back to the landing but changed his mind and went aboard? Mid show I was pretty dismayed by the Cersei story line and Dany, chaining up the dragons. Funny how fast Stannis got to the wall too. Especially given how slow Dany's trek is through the world. Maybe they have a high speed train in westeros they never told us about. They really made the Hound look like a bitch on his way out. I thought he would have given her a bit more grudging respect.
  12. i thought it was a pretty good episode. my only take on it was if this was just manse testing the walls defenses, why did he send his top end guys in, who got slaughtered or captured? if there is another battle to follow next week it would be a bunch of random guys you've never seen before. i really really hope the tyrion thing is wrapped up sunday. i'd really be pissed if they cliffhanger that storyline another 9 months. cliffhand something else please.
  13. i think the following season im going to wait till it ends, tape them all and watch them one after the other. i really cant stand the cliff hanger aspect of things. i've abstained from reading the books so as to be surprised too but i guess i can read the second half of storm of swords this summer.
  14. great episode. amazing how they knock off main characters on this show. no one is safe.
  15. good lead in episode for the final three. up north the wildlings are nearly upon the wall. you could see jon's power base grow if he continues to display leadership. you get the sense that tunnel will be breached. i'd almost have some wild fire available as a defense. looks like the dragon lady remains in a holding pattern, for now. the tyrion plot line remains enthralling. never read the books but i called it that oberyn would be the champion. Hope he wins too because anytime Cersei gets a big FU I'm fine with it. baelish is just awesome for the show. He's so wrong but its so right.
  16. http://www.cnet.com/news/game-of-thrones-intro-gets-the-super-mario-treatment/
  17. the ramsay theon story line is very hard to watch but is probably what makes it such great tv. the look on ramsay's face when theon removed his britches was downright creepy. read something during the week where the producers had a discussion as to whether or not to show a shot of theon/reek in all his glory but decided against it. thank you producers.
  18. i didnt like the episode until the ending... damn, seeing shae up there was riveting, like jeez there all out to railroad me here...
  19. probably means he will get killed next.... another setting the table episode early. they really do a good job of tie ups and fill ins. you learn just how much Baelish has been behind the scenes in all the treachery. glad to see crasters gets taken care of quickly and locke gets his just reward, to top it off with the killing of the ringleader in what might be one of the best death scenes since luca brazzi gets strangled. there's so much to ponder going forward here. you have to figure littlefinger gets exposed at some point and while the lannisters need to tie up with the Tyrells how will that go if they find out the Tyrells were behind Joffreys murder. They do a really good job of giving you people to hate. they off Locke and the craster's guy and now you have the wicked bitch of the Eyrre to take there place. the lannister admission of being broke really brings to the forefront, the Stannis camp of falling in with the Ironbank. looks like we get Tyrions trial next week or at least some of it as well as the Iron bound's march on the dreadfort. Just some real juicy stuff to anticipate these next 5 weeks.
  20. Im Dothraki and Jamie. I can live with that. This show has become must watch. I really like the way the've moved the story along this year. Podrick/Briane has great possibilities. The heart to heart between Jamie and Bronn was great theater. I think Baelish's mouth will eventually be his undoing. Just a very enjoyable episode.
  21. sort of a setting the chess pieces episode. I feel like deanery's plot line is like the old show wagon train. they just keep wagon training.
  22. you could try checking with the branch of your Gov't that approves the permits for movie filming.
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