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Shane Falco

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Everything posted by Shane Falco

  1. You both will forever be these two to me.. http://content.internetvideoarchive.com/content/photos/147/006200_11.jpg
  2. :lol: Go work out. That's what I just finished doing :p
  3. Love the addition to the sig Mike :lol:
  4. Good luck :thumbs: Hope it works out for you :D
  5. I'm a PC guy and always have been; but lately I've found myself wanting a Mac. I used iMacs for a few years at school when I did work in the photo lab and they were great. My only gripe with them is price, and not being able to upgrade the GPU. I have until September to decide on what to get.
  6. Ghey... I was actually considering one of those.
  7. Good morning all. Hope you guys have a great day despite the weather :)
  8. o rly? http://www.caerabred.org/download/file.php?icon=smiley_naughty.gif
  9. Cleaning before eating? You're doing it wrong!
  10. I now frequent this forum more than any other. Thank you for making procrastination a dominant force in my life.
  11. I now frequent this forum more than any other. Thank you for making procrastination a dominant force in my life.
  12. This. I can't think straight, let alone function without eating in the morning. I get really cranky and impatient if I don't too.
  13. Fucking hell I hate exams. Who gives exams on a monday? Seriously.. :mad: Fucking heartless professor has no consideration for the lack of brain activity that occurs on Mondays. /tourettes rant
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