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Everything posted by NYRangers92

  1. Southwest lost my bag. It could've been worse since I still have stuff here in Pittsburgh but it still sucks
  2. Do we get to keep the rep from deleted posts?
  3. US Air lost our luggage in 2005 coming back from phoenix. Flew home Sunday and didn't get it back until Friday. Apparently they put our bag on a flight to Chicago
  4. I assume you're flying into Philly so it limits your carrier choices right? All my bad flying experiences come from us carriers. Except for the bitch behind me on the way to London last year but that wasnt anyone's fault but hers
  5. Virgin Atlantic was really lax about weight. Coming home last year they allowed my 56 pounder on and allowed my second bag on free because the flight was way less than full
  6. one of the people I know is getting married in August. Like I get you've been with that person for a long time but maybe you should try living with them on your own for an extended amount of time before you make this commitment? The girl I know has been with the guy since middle school apparently. But even with that said, they didnt go to the same college so their time living together without other people in the house was not a lot. I dont know, I guess I'm just questioning my choices considering I've never been in a serious committed relationship while people born within months of me are already engaged haha
  7. 21 years old is way too young to get engaged, right? I know of three people my age in my school that got engaged this year. I cant be the only one that feels this is an insanely early year for that.
  8. Went skiing for the first time today. Took the lesson and got the hang of it within like two hours. Fucking love it and wish I started earlier.
  9. I had 1 final (verbal because I fucked up with travel arrangements) and the rest were papers. In total I had like 13 essays due in the last week and a half of school (includes 2 3-essay finals and 2 10-15 page papers)
  10. If only it didn't mean jack shit after this year haha. And Dunny I got zero dollars for it haha.
  11. it took 7 semesters but I finally got straight A's. *pats self on back so hard*
  12. too much but seriously it costs more to park there I think
  13. There might be [unusually high number for a typical game] goals scored in the Barca-City matches
  14. man, there must a ton of cats finding warmth in random places now instead of just walking the streets as usual there
  15. What about if offsides was not called once all players are across midfield
  16. So City dropped Joe Hart and then decided to bring him back to face Bayern of all teams? And of course it went over about as well as you'd think it would (2 goals in opening 12 minutes). I guess its because theyre already through to the KO stage, but putting him back out there against probably the best team on the continent isnt the greatest way to build confidence
  17. well, for the sake of the national team I hope they have lots of awesome soccer-playing children
  18. its usually okay until I walk really fast if I'm late to class or work. I just hit a point where its excruciating pain. Is this a chronic thing or is there a way to make it go away for good
  19. anyone ever have shin splints before and know some easy home remedy?
  20. One of these days I'll be able to make one. Hopefully playoffs
  21. Guarantee you guys pick January 3rd when I'll be at the game haha
  22. does anyone know how to change 1 auto-fill password on chrome? I dont want it to forget all my passwords, just this one
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