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Posts posted by Johnnydollaz18

  1. A year and half later, and I still have the headaches that I was bitching about last year.


    I've been to so many doctors for this headache. Now currently seeing neurologist and I've taken almost every single medicine out there. Muscle Relaxants, antidepressants, anti-convulsants.


    I had the same problem, saw my doctor, was prescribed amitriptyline for it and the headaches are a lot less frequent now. Have your doctors tried those for you?

  2. Did you go to Ohio State?


    No, I wish I did though. I have just been a fan of them since I was a little kid. Always have been, always will be.


    I sometimes do, but it's more of a slip. When the game is going on and I'm watching, I use 1st person all the time. When I'm speaking objectively about things the Rangers are doing, then I tend to just use the 3rd person pronoun.


    It's just a habit, it's not like I do it on purpose. Idk, just something i've always done.

  3. How long have you played for them? Are the guys in the room upset with you when you voice opinions like that?


    Alright, I get it, I use ''we'' a lot when I describe my favorite teams. lol I don't gotta be hammered for it every time I mention it. I can't be the only one who uses that term when describing their team.. But it's all good. I'm nowhere near good enough to play for them, but that would be awesome.

  4. For those that are friends with me on Twitter, FB and Instagram you probably already saw this. If not, the greatest moment of my life took place last night when my girlfriend and I went to the Jets/Isles game at the Coliseum. I finally met my favorite player, you guys know who i'm talking about, EVANDER KANE!!!!




    He was so awesome. Such a nice guy. Signed my jersey, as well as Trouba, Ladd, Enstrom and Pavelec.

    • Like 1
  5. Took me almost a month, but I finally found myself a new job after being laid off by the bank!

    Start on July 7th, can't wait. Working 5 minutes from home in a warehouse, full-time. More money than the bank as well. My relationship is going well also, hope this streak of good things keeps up for me for a change.

  6. Do the rangers shirts actually have the Finals logo on them? I'm going to stop by Modells and just buy a shirt. I think I'm going to do this every year where I buy one of the STANLEY cup team shirts. Whoever I favor winning it.


    The Dick's and Modell's by me has them with the logo on it. Hell, even had Carcillo ones. lol


    I picked up the Eastern Conference Champs shirt and another shirt that says ''Next...The Cup'' with the logo and our logo on the front and each players name and number on the back. Pretty cool

  7. Didn't you get promoted not long ago? What happened?


    I did, but that was because they were desperate with so many people leaving. I knew the day was coming, they've been talking shit behind my back for months, most of my co-workers. It's all good though, I couldn't stand being there. I'm going to work my ass off in finding a better job.


    Update that resume' and start contacting the shit out of people. Make yourself stand out


    Oh trust me, I am. Been sending it out for weeks now and stepping up even more now. I know i'll find something.

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