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Everything posted by -ERIK-

  1. He can't unless he completely turns heel,this past Raw was him being edgier and he was still boring as fuck and big whoop,he beat Kane with the steel steps.A heel turn would work wonders for him.Done right it could be huge.
  2. Cena is still so stale,I can't stand his facial expressions either,dude just needs to turn heel,can't wait till he does cause that's all everyone is waiting for.
  3. Cena is still so stale,I can't stand his facial expressions either,dude just needs to turn heel,can't wait till he does cause that's all everyone is waiting for.
  4. its got the ironed on plastic looking numbers..Lol
  5. Yeah,I really wants a WC jersey,probably will end up getting a Lundqvist one.
  6. I'm notcute though,I can't be having gray hair right now :mad: I would have freaked too,does't sound right,might want to get that checked out.
  7. i found a gray hair today...how depressing
  8. Funnel Cake is so amazing,until the next day
  9. I'm a man living in a women's world,everything they do is a test and I never react proprerly
  10. The more I think I understand,the more I don't.
  11. Wow,did I get fucking played again this past week.
  12. I've moved and my allegiances in teams always stay the same
  13. its 51 here...kind of chilly I kid you not
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