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Posts posted by Jules

  1. I have had to do that so many times. I used to spend summers in europe when I was younger. Made new friends each summer for 3-4 months at a time only to have to say goodbye to everyone each time. The worst part is that when you go back it is never the same.


    Yep. Went back to Madison, WI just 6 months after I had left and it was just not the same. Hated that. Still a great place, not the same crew of folks.


    And yes, big difference whether you leave for where you want to be or leave where you want to be.

  2. By the time I get back from my vacation in the US later this month one of my dearest friends will have left the country for a job in Switzerland. Last Friday we did what we always do - see a movie at a local theatre - and struggled saying goodbye, so we planned another day, which was today, and meant another goodbye.


    I guess this is how it'll feel for all my friends and relatives once I leave in 2013... fuck.

  3. World is getting insane.


    These days I watch them dismanteling the constitutional rigths for soccer fans here, makes you wonder when they will start to dismantel them for the rest of the populace too.


    I know. I have a friend who is banned from going to soccer games in any UEFA country (all of Europe) for two years, because an anonimous observer from the Dutch FA claims he saw him call an usher in the stadium "bad names". That usher, however, is a friend of his and despite his friend writing a letter that the claims are false, the FA is sticking to their guns and claiming the report is enough proof to ban him from going to the club.


    Bizarre. UEFA and FIFA think they're fucking NATO or something.

  4. I've read that a dutch Assistant referee was beaten to death by three players during a youth game.

    Do you know more about this Jules?


    Yeah, he was father of one of the opposing players, the teenagers on opposing team - known for starting trouble - attacked him. He collapsed after the game and passed away later in the hospital. Three suspects are in custody and are children of immigrants.


    Cue a complete national shitshow of racist comments and people blaming everyone but our ailing and failing Dutch society.

  5. I moved out of my apartment today and moved back into the house I grew up in.


    To many that might sound like a bad scenario, but it feels like the next step toward a bigger dream. I'm just glad I can do chores around the house for my mother for now and make sure she gets to spend a lot of time with me before I move across that big pond.

  6. Last season Fortuna Sittard missed the playoffs on the last night of the season, ending the year with 48 points (13 wins, 12 losses, 9 ties).


    This year after just twelve games the team has an astonishing 23 points. That's 7 wins, 2 ties and just 3 losses so far. They have 18 goals for, just 10 against. Tonight was yet another away win with 1-3 and the lone goal for the opponents was a gaffe by the goalkeeper late in the game.


    Despite all success on the pitch, it's yet another bad year of the pitch. The team is struggling with a direct debt of about $3 million dollars, of which at least $500k needs to be paid soon. That's worrying, but apparently a new sponsor will pay of that next week and the team is optimistic. It's not easy, but let's just hope for the best. This great season so far is a testament to the teams resilience.

  7. Whoohoo! That awesome feeling of having a new official countdown to seeing Grace again.


    Flying D?sseldorf > Amsterdam > JFK > Philadelphia on Monday Dec. 17th and flying back Dec. 31st Philadelphia > Detroit > Paris > D?sseldorf. Usually I'd refuse to do the double lay-overs, but they are easy in terms of time and the roundtrip is just $600, which is a steel for the holiday season. I am going to be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean during New Year's Eve, which is fine, because that took $200 of the price and it's an overrated holiday for many reasons for me.


    Anyway, happy to be back in America for two weeks soon enough! :)

  8. Fuck the standard souvenirs. I turned down a random side street and found some dude selling homemade pasta so I bought 2 bags. Homemade pasta > a magnet that says venice on it.


    LOL! That's for sure. I wanted a Venetian mask, because that's a real tradition and we celebrate Carnival as well here in my part of The Netherlands, but finding the right store you can get it made to your wish and skip the souvenir stalls.


    Good stuff, glad you had a great time.

  9. Damn venice was awesome. Wish I had more than a day here. Its one of those cities that I can easily see myself living in. I love exploring little side streets and finding hidden gems so venice was perfect


    I'm smiling from ear to ear reading this. I couldn't agree more. Venezia!

  10. Aaaaah man. Grace and her teammates were in Boston today to defend their gold medal in the women's four with coxswain at the prestigeous Head of the Charles rowing regatta. They rowed a better time than last year, but came in second. No shame in their defeat though, the winning team is the Team Canada national four.
  11. I know some guys that played in the 2.Bundesligga

    They never played higher than junior 'c' here. Sounds like the 2. and the eredivise are probaby on par with OHA senior 'b' in Ontario. But.. they probably get paid in Europe.


    That makes sense. I know "imports" who play a full season usually get a home, a car, insurance and about $2k a month. They basically are treated like any other middle class job here, but for young kids it's a wonderful opportunity to play pro hockey, live in Europe for a few years and maybe even save some cash as well.


    Not bad right?

  12. Is the Dutch league as good as the 2Bundesliga?


    The top teams in our league are as good as the bottom teams in the 2. Bundesliga, but for a player like Weise it's a wonderful opportunity to play a ton of minutes in a surprisingly physical league. You could see he was easily the best player on the ice, but he wasn't dangling around everyone.

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