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Everything posted by Fuhgeddaboudit

  1. We always dread the week he comes back after a 1 week vacation, because forget about it... his stories go on and on and on LOL. I hate it!
  2. This guy at work that sits next to me, all he does is talk about his social security and shit. If there are 5 people in the office, and its only you and him because the other 3 are late, he'll tell you the story. And one by one, the other people come in and he tells the story AGAIN 2 or 3 times.
  3. Good luck to you and your son, it's tough. One of my brothers best friend dropped dead at the park when they were playing football, I know exactly how you and your son feels.
  4. My friend who had a 2.1 GPA did that, then when he took summer classes when he was back in NY, he jumped down to a 1.6. Got to be smart with it man
  5. Math placement test? They just place you in a math class, no big deal!! I have a biology practical tomorrow and there's a giants game and a ranger game on tonight! and Dexter!
  6. practicals are for the Lab, we have 20 stages and we need to answer the questions that are for the stages. If there is a pin on the liver of the pig, we need to label it as the liver and what function
  7. Also stressed about my biology practical tomorrow, I hate biology so much
  8. Yeah without a doubt bro, no worries, everything happens for a reason. I understand how it feels to get broken up with now, even if it was almost like a break. I used to be the one doing it, 1st time happening to me now
  9. Yeah without a doubt bro, no worries, everything happens for a reason. I understand how it feels to get broken up with now, even if it was almost like a break. I used to be the one doing it, 1st time happening to me now
  10. Was going to spread rep but I need to spread around first (rep for the nice congrats comments) :)
  11. Was going to spread rep but I need to spread around first (rep for the nice congrats comments) :)
  12. Thanks a lot pal, yeah it happens. Thought it was slipping away, but we have a lot of work to do in terms of building trust and stuff anyway. it's a working progress but we told each other that will do it slowly and stress-free
  13. Promised me she would, but for now, practically making me sister wake me up from my nap and telling me to go outside to throw the garbage out and seeing my girlfriend on my porch made me happy enough at this point lol
  14. Yeah, but it's true. She had NO reason whatsoever, it seemed to me she was stressed was school and she just couldn't handle it, so since we were arguing I guess she threw it on me. And John, we're back together, I'm not holding a grudge on what she did, but I will be more aware if I see changes in behavior. But for now we're good. We are obviously taking another week off of seeing each other since we have school, but we are talking at least
  15. So... my girlfriend finally came to her senses and came to my house surprisingly and just emotionally poured herself to me saying how wrong she was. Everything is good for now, haven't been on here much since all I've been really doing is going out with old friends of mine
  16. Nice, that's pretty good, hoping I get a good raise and bonus this year. Probably going to get a good raise. My vice president loves to spend money and he's been asking me to do him side jobs/favors this whole year so that might get me a good bonus
  17. Thanks! Well I'm not going to beg for her to change her mind, it's up to her to dictate what happens. I'm a wuss if I keep texting her and calling her asking for her to tell me the reasons and to just ask for her back. Good time with my cousin today though at lunch. Much needed
  18. Half/half, I'm not giving myself up as a pussy that's for sure. :)
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