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Posts posted by BlairBettsBlocksEverything

  1. 4 hours ago, Cash or Czech said:

    I'm gonna jinx myself, but Arizona is in the first wildcard spot in the West over a quarter of the way through the season. I took them at +750 to make the playoffs. I'm sure it'll all come crashing down when they sell their UFAs at the deadline but it's fun while it's lasting.

    I wish I put more on it but I tailed you on that one.


    Im going for 7 Shots on Goal picks in a row tonight. GOing more conservative today with Sean Walker on the flyers, O1.5 -166

  2. 1 minute ago, Pete said:

    I think you have to move him just because you can't play him or health bomb him every night.

    Im not sure who would take him, for anything other than us adding a pick. 


    Unless we're coming up on the deadline, and we need just a tiny bit of cap space to pull off a big trade that makes us big-time cup favorites, i don't think the pick is worth the small cap space increase we get from moving him, relative to the potential upside he can bring in crunch time 

  3. I doubt there's anyone who would want him at this point. 


    I think the potential upside of keeping him very much outweighs getting rid of him. I'd rather keep him in the hopes that a 37 year old understands that he's gonna be counted on to bring something in the playoffs and he's probably just not killing himself to be at his best early in the season, vs the 0, maybe even negative return on him without really giving us much cap relief either.







  4. totally normal for teams to have a lull as you start getting into the grind of a long season.


    They bought themselves a lot of runway so even if they lost these 2 games this weekend, they'd still be in a good spot and it wouldn't be panic time


    I can forgive a not-so-great performance against San Jose there. SJ gets to play with no pressure anymore. they got their losing out of the way early. These teams can also give you problems because there's pressure to not lose to the basement dwellers. Human nature to approach this kind of game as a 'we can't lose this one' instead of a 'Lets go win this one' if that makes any sense


    @Pete is right though, this team is never out of any game. Even their 5 losses, most can be forgiven


    Loss 1 - In columbus, that was just a wacky game, 2 goals called back by tiny margins. They were the better team

    Loss 2 - Nashville at home - Just an off night early

    Loss 3 - Minnesota in a shootout, yeah we blew a lead, was a game we werent the best in though and were still right there. take a road point and move forward

    Loss 4 - Dallas - were controllilng a game on the road agaisnt a very good team, just had a tough third period that got away from us

    Loss 5 - Buffalo - first game after a 3 in 4, played a big game against Boston before that that I think they poured a lot into. Were due for an off night.


    Even a REALLY good team is going to lose 20-25 a season 






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    • Keeps it 100 1
  5. 1 minute ago, RichieNextel305 said:

    Meh, debatable. I remember him being out of gas and terrible in the playoffs against Pittsburgh, and the general feel was his time as a Ranger was coming to an end. And then when they re-signed him to that deal it was one of those “WHAT?!” type of moments. It didn’t make sense.

    I dont recall which signing broke first, the Redden or the Rozsival signing. my "WHAT?!" moment was more to do with having both of them. though i think you are right too. I think he was asked to play too big a role and that hurt him too. 

  6. 36 minutes ago, Drew a Penalty said:

    Tanner Glass.


    Signing him was already too much.

    All worth it for the Roofjob on Price, i dont care what else happened.


    me and a friend of mine would always get into Tanner Glass battles. I didnt mind him. He wasnt good, but at the end of the day if he was your biggest problem, it couldnt have been all that bad

  7. 3 minutes ago, RichieNextel305 said:

    Michal Rozsival. He was solid here from 2005-2006 through 2007-2008. Half through 07-08, he clearly hit some type of a wall. The first half of that year, he was rolling. He was shooting a lot. He was responsible defensively. Maybe his best play as a Ranger came from like, October through December of 2007. After that, he fell off a cliff. Big time. He was brutal the second half of the year, not great in the playoffs. And it appeared we were about to part ways with him. Instead, we overpay him AND sign Wade Redden in the same offseason, and spend the better part of the next few years figuring out how the hell to get out of both contracts.

    In my opinion, this had more to do with it than anything. There was no need to have both of them and it hurt Roszival's game


    Still, Roszival proved that on a really good team, he was a great third-pairing guy. Add him to the list of guys who won a cup after they left us because for years we had the ideal cup-winning supporting cast, but not the true game-breaker to win it all. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Phil said:

    Jesper Fast. Rangers hard balled him over an extra year only to walk him right to free agency where he signed $2M x 3 with CAR. They spent three+ years trying to replace him, and you can draw a direct line from this decision to a number of poor decisions the org made in trying to fill that hole they dug themselves.

    Plus my Jesper Fast jersey is now worthless 

  9. 3 minutes ago, jsm7302 said:

    I'm not so sure about that .....see the Washington Redskins or the Cleveland Indians.


    A happy medium may be allowing players to don what they want during warmups and keep the game time stuff, the approved uniforms. Why this even needs to be discussed is silly really. Life is too short to worry about things like this. 


    I think those are much different situations. I dont think the Redskins or Indians were meant to honor native american heritage. don't think they are comparable here.


    But i totally agree with your second point. 

  10. 23 hours ago, jsm7302 said:

    Fear of the woke response of cultural appropriation......bizarre because it is apparently his wife's heritage he was paying homage to during Native American Heritage Month......overreaction to nothing. Kind of like the pride tape on the sticks. Who cares....  

    I dont think this is correct, especially because of the reasons you gave. If anything the so-called 'woke' crowd would be more upset about them NOT letting him wear it.


    its simply the consequences of their own dumb response to the pride tape issue. They thought they were clever in preventing any stories about players refusing to participate in Pride Nights by saying 'no more anything' and now they are facing the consequences of their own decisions (not that it will be harsh consequences, im sure it will all blow over)

  11. Aside from it being 3 on 3, I think its just weird to have random rules specific to OT, like shot clocks, 2 line pass back in effect, no leaving the zone, etc.


    I think the only fix I would do is make the 3 on 3 be 10 minutes. current system has its flaws, but when it's going back and forth, it's genuinely very exciting. 


    Im fine with th OT 'loser' point but wouldnt complain if they got rid of it. other than that though, making all these random rules that only apply to OT play will just make the game more confusing and less fun to view for new/casual fans.


    Imagine the NFL decided that in OT you get one less lineman, but you also arent allowed to run the ball more than X amount of times, but you also need to throw more than 10 yards from the line of scrimmage. 





  12. 7 minutes ago, phillyb said:

    At no point do you think this team is out of a game. They believe they can win and are racking up points in games that otherwise might be losses in previous seasons. I actually believe in No Quit in NY right now, last night's game was a good testament to it. 


    Last nights game was shaking up to be like the first time we played Columbus and lost. Just a weird shit game. The one that you'd leave thinking, 'oh well fuck it its a random game in early november, last game before a layoff. Even the best teams lose a few fucked up ones across a long season' but Lafreniere said SMD 

    • Keeps it 100 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Pete said:

    Bingo. The points are great, icing on the cake, for me it's the fact he's visibly noticeable in a positive way. This kid might be 3rd in 5v5 points since COVID in away games or whateverthefuck obscure stats people used to defend him....But that was the softest production I've ever seen. None of it moved the needle whatsoever.


    Now, he's making a difference.

    I think he just needed the opportunity to play with higher-end players. He has a knack for the net for sure.


    But beyond that, even his skating, which most people would have said was his flaw (and the thing keeping him from being the star player we hoped he'd be) looks miles ahead of where it was. And I think that's a confidence thing too. He looks quicker because he's confident in his decision-making. In years past, he's looked slow because he's looked like he's gliding a bit, waiting for the play to come to him. Now, he's trying to drive the play himself/trust his decision to get into the areas he wants to go to and that his linemates can find him there.

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