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Posts posted by BlairBettsBlocksEverything

  1. Tyresse was of value as a right-hand man when he still had interest in being that man. That changed over the last season, plus. It changed as things at the prison broke down and eventually exploded. He became less and less dependable as time went on, and only really seemed to be there in spirit maybe half the time.


    except when it comes to saving Judith

  2. They'll just appoint another "moral compass", likely in Michonne, who it seems is going to take up that torch. They've done this on repeat since the first season. The moral compass just shifts from one character to the next, and it always lands on the character who is least interested in killing, as though that's actually an indication of morality in this realm (I'd argue it's not — rather it's an indication of weakness).


    Rick, Hershel, Carol, Glenn, whomever. They've all carried it at some point or another. Some died, some haven't, some will soon enough.


    I still maintain that if I'm dropped into this realm tomorrow, I'm gravitating toward someone like Rick (the pragmatist) well before I'm following the guy who can't even kill zombies (or doesn't want to), let alone those who are directly trying to harm me, or the people I care about.


    I don't think it has to be either.


    You are right, this isn't a new plot twist type of thing, but I don't think that means he wasn't important to the group and to the overall story.

  3. This.


    I'm not a huge fan of the Wii, but it's definitely going to be tougher for a 4-5 year old than a tablet.


    Xbox ones are cheap nowadays, so you can go the Xbox1/tablet route and he'll be okay with the xbox in 2-3 years.


    I also wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft puts out some kind of tablet xbox bundle thing.

  4. I think that episode would've made a good season 5 premier. Not that it would've made any sense to end on the episode beforehand.


    Season 5 is set up to have an interesting plot-line. I was worried that'd they'd have to wind up doing another season 2, sit in a "safe" place and wait a full season before it falls apart. But glad there's a conflict lined up

  5. I thought the last line sucked.


    I could see the cannibalism thing coming but its still cool


    The Terminus people were obviously not trying to shoot them, and just guide them where they wanted them to go, but that scene of running away from the bullets just looked like a cheesy 1980's movie.


    Wasn't a great ending but it sets up for a cool next season so we will see

  6. So next week is the finale?

    A lot needs to happen, quickly. Need to find Beth imprisoned at Terminus, Rick needs to find Judith's group. Sasha needs to find Tyrese, Maggie needs to be killed, and this group of hooligans some how saves the day...


    The picture burning thing was kind of a giveaway

  7. I spent the entire thing thinking the opposite. They're totally gonna bone.


    the word statutory doesn't exist in the post-apocalypse world


    also, idk why everyone's bitching. It wasn't a GREAT episode but it wasn't THAT bad.

  8. IDK I enjoyed it. Definitely better than the first one. I was kind of annoyed that no major character died off though.

    How is it that they all survived? And they kept making you think that at least one of them died but of course, theres a twist every time.

  9. I don't know if anyone saw my prior post but I've been flipping between TWD and the Giants Skins game. I saw the scene where Tyrese found the squirrel dissected. Did they ever confirm that Carol or that little girl killed the two ppl who were burned? Cuz I thought they were foreshadowing that the little girl killed them and Carol was just protecting her.


    didnt really think of this as a possibility but its an interesting though. I think it'd be kind of tough for the girl to drag them out and burn them though

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