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Everything posted by NYR2711

  1. I really like that new Metallica song. It's short, but heavy. Between this and Korn, it's like an early Christmas.
  2. They only had the one album that was electronic. That's my least favorite, but it still has some good songs on it. Korn III and The Paradigm Shift were both great albums. They are the ones before and after The Path To Totality. Also, on YouTube I found Limp Bizkits The Unquestionable Truth Part 2. It's pretty good. I found a YouTube to MP3 converter site that I used to get it on my iPod. They never released it, but it's pretty good.
  3. This is my favorite song from that album,and one of my favorites overall by them. I love all of their albums, obviously some are better than others, but I still listen to all of them on heavy rotation on my iPod.
  4. Yes it does. I used to know it word for word, but it's been a while. When it first came out, I was able to do it like him, but I don't think I could do it anymore, it's been a while.
  5. This. Everyone just screams, they changed it up and gave it their own twist.
  6. I love this new song, I am so psyched for the new album. They said it's almost as heavy as their self titled album. I hate having to wait months for these albums. Just put it out digitally when the first single is available.
  7. Go on YouTube, if you find a copy on there, there is a site that has a YouTube video converter that will turn a video into an MP3. I have done that with a couple of songs that weren't official releases by bands and that are B sides. I lost all of my old tapes because I never converted anything, it sucks.
  8. Yeah, a lot of the old bands from the 90's are playing again. Snap case and VOD played here one either LI or in Brooklyn a couple of months ago.
  9. I went to one show at Jones Beach where it poured and it was so heavy and windy that you couldn't enjoy the show. I lucked out another time there where it rained for STP and RHCP and I had seats under the upper level, so we stayed dry. I went to PNC for Ozzfest one year and it poured and we were just covered in mud, same with Warp Tour one year at Randall's Island. You can't enjoy the music when your getting soaked. Give me a small indoor venue and I love it. I love the intimate venues.
  10. I wanted to go to GNR, but they are only playing MetLife, and its a pain in the ass getting out of there for concerts, could take 2-3 hours to get out sometimes. I hope they come back around and play the Garden over the fall/winter. Im not big on outdoor concerts because if it rains, it could suck.
  11. Thats awesome. Yeah, its been a while for me as well. There have been a ton of shows I wanted to go to, but like you, with kids here its harder to go. They pretty much closed down most of the small venues here, so I don't think there are many outside of the main ones anymore. I think the Paramount and the new place in Westbury are the only venues left. Both are nice, but they can also get expensive. Enjoy the show man.
  12. Pars, I know a couple of people who went to the shows here in New York and they said they were awesome. I haven't listened to them in years, but I used to love going to their shows in my teenage years. Enjoy the show man. I swathes with Silent Majority, it was a sick ass show, we use to know Ryan from Silent Majority, we worked with his girlfriend, so we used to go to all the shows here.
  13. I agree, and he is such a bore of a person to listen to in interviews. He always seems like he doesn't want to be bothered in an interview. I tried listening to him on the Jasta Podcast, and I couldn't get through it because he was so boring.
  14. We waited until my oldest son was 5, and my little guy was just over 1. My older guy loved it and it was cool for my little guy because he was just recognizing who the characters were. Any younger, and I don't think it would have been any fun for him. We took him to sesame place the summer before, and he was too young to take it in and get those awesome first pictures. I'm glad we waited. And taking a baby away is a pain in the ass, we drove because we didn't want to deal with a flight and him freaking out, plus we saved money driving to Disney this summer.
  15. I am usually all messed up after doing doubles as well. I do them every once in a while, its usually an 1130am to 440am, and then an hour drive home.
  16. This, my wife got the air, its cheaper than a macbook, all you have to buy is the cd/DVD drive/burner to go with it.
  17. I was just listening to Korn last night on my way home from work.
  18. This is exactly how I feel about todays metal. I tried listening to a lot of the new bands out there, and I just can't get into them. I know you love Ghost, but to me, its terrible. I have listened to entire albums by them, and I just can't get into them.
  19. I forgot about Craw Daddies and the Swing Set. I used to also love going to The Vanderbuilt. We used to go to a place in Lindenhurst every Friday night for Hardcore/Punk shows. It was a gay bar other nights of the week. We were friends with the girlfriend of Ryan from Silent Majority, we worked with her. She used to get us into a ton of shows. Tension was bad ass, saw them a couple of times. Didn't Revolution move to a new location now? We went to Craw Daddies a couple of times, not much. There was a place up on the North Shore, it was right on the water that we used to go to a lot, we saw the Suicide Machines there a couple of times. I miss going to VFW's as well for shows. There was also a catering hall in Deer Park, Mickhales I think it was called, and they used to have shows Saturday afternoons. I also heard Inside is getting back together.
  20. Pwac closed in like 97 or 98. I was out of my JNCO's fad by then. Pwac and Dr Shays were the hardcore/metal/punk places to go on Long Island.
  21. Ugh, yesterday I parked my car at work, and a box truck hit it about 5 minutes after I left it. He cracked my bumper, and turned my car about 45 degrees. Its drivable, but now my steering wheel vibrates and it pulls a little. Now I have to deal with getting it fixed, and because its a rental truck that hit me, I have to go through my insurance to go after them and shell out the deductible, but my insurance will go after them to get it back. Its just a pain in the ass. The worst part is that I shouldn't have even been at work that early, but I had to come in early because someone wanted to leave early.
  22. I still dress like I used to, either a band tee shirt or Rangers or Giants shirt and jeans or cargo shorts.
  23. Didnt Kikwear come out as JNCO was going out of style? Didnt it have more straps or like suspenders that were attached? I used to love JNCO's, they were awesome with the long ass wallet chains. I still remember wearing my jean jacket with yhe metal patch on the back and the flannel shirt over your band shirt.
  24. You know JNCO but not Nikki Sixx? Oh, and how do you know? I also heard they are coming back.
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