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Posts posted by Niko

  1. We are so open at this point. I appreciate all of the points of view. Definitely like 4 seasons, would like to be near mountains and ocean/large lake. Preferably within an hour of a major city. The CO suggestion sounds pretty good. Texas, Colorado and North/South Carolina seem to all keep coming up. Lower income and property taxes are definitely on the list. A slower pace of life than NJ, maybe a little more purple than the red area of the state I currently live.


    Wife and my familys have lived in northwest NJ for generations. I'm a cop out here with an associates degree so going elsewhere may be tough especially with the time I have in already with a guaranteed state pension. Been kicking around moving to the private sector but my lack of a 4 year+ degree seems to be a hindrance although my experience and training is geared heavy towards nvestigations which I feel could help.


    Thanks again for the suggestions. This is a 2/3 year plan with us starting to visit places this year. Going to Maine in August but I think the intense winters will rule that out pretty quickly.


    Austin PD pays very well and are dying for help. Don’t know how deep you are in, but you have to do 24 (if I recall correctly) for an 80% pension. Dept is run very well, much better than the NYPD.

  2. People don't want to live in places where their views are challenged. Full stop. You're hearing about a liberal who wants to move to Austin, TX, which is bluer than a smurf choking on a blueberry. Purple states, especially in the sunbelt, are littered with cities that "could be the next big hub" for certain businesses because the cost of real estate is so low.


    I live in a purple state. I've been to enough red states to know that I'd be abjectly unhappy in them. I'm offput by endless exburbia/rural sprawl. I'm bored when the town social activity is church. I can get my dirt roads from country music. I'm fine having my corn shipped to me.


    I can understand the grip. See my example above. Austin is undoubtedly blue. But the surrounding towns used to be blood red with people that lived there their whole life. Now these transplants are moving in from the left coast and realizing that the condo they’re going to get for $300k in downtown awesome isn’t as good of a deal as the 3k square foot house they can get for 129k if they live 25 min north in Round Rock. The problem is, in those local elections where the republicans would win with 92% of the vote, the races are becoming close, or sometimes even a democrat wins. This makes the locals VERY unhappy.


    “Keep that shit in Austin”, is what j would be told constantly. Guys assumed that because I was also a cop that I’d be super pro gun, super anti abortion, etc. I just never said anything, lol. But the folks that live down there felt that the newbies should adjust to their new home and that their town shouldn’t have to change to suit them. I think most people feel that way when an influx of newcomers comes in though. I feel like I’ve heard that type of saying since as long as I can remember.

  3. And you stayed in LI?


    Big mistake LOL.


    I'd move to Austin tomorrow.


    I was going to stay in the police profession and Texas is a right to work state. Retirement was 23 years and they could let you go at year 22, day 364 and you don’t have a leg to stand on. Police work is too tumultuous to not have some sort of union backing you. While I was processing I saw 3 guys get canned for things that didn’t really merit firing. I’m pretty left leaning as far as cops go and I even I was like “he got fired for that?”. One was a shooting, but it was completely justified. High school senior football player was high on K2 and attacked a police officer, while naked. A struggle ensued and the cop him. Both parties were African American but the chief let the guy go immediately for fear of BLM. Body camera footage was perfect and he did everything he was supposed to do.


    I would never want to be in a position where I’m by myself getting fucked up by a guy that’s about to go play college football and have to worry about getting canned if I make it out alive lol.


    But in the long run it worked out. My son has a rare genetic condition that only a few thousand people in this country have and the worlds foremost expert on it is on the upper east side. So we’re happy we stayed.


    That being said, Austin Texas is probably the best city I’ve ever been too. It has everything. Good food, it’s friendly, it has night life, it has history, it has nature you can enjoy, it isn’t super crowded and it’s affordable compared to NYC. The burbs just outside of it are ridiculously cheap. And I would have made more money as a cop there, paid no state income tax and have been able to buy a house 2.5 times the size of my house on Long Island for literally a third of the price.


    I felt like a dick though. My wife fell in love with that city.

    • Like 1
  4. Love when liberals talk about how they would move out of a blue state in a flash to go to a red state...then vote blue. Wonky. Rarely do you hear the reverse about Republicans wanting to move to a blue state. Why is this?


    That’s actually a big problem in central Texas. HUGE influx of Californians and people from Washington State and Oregon. They’re the reason central texas is purple now and the natives are NOT happy. I was offered a job with Austin PD and all the guys there live in surrounding towns like pflugerville and round rock. They hate the influx of liberals. HATE IT.

  5. Is it on YouTube?



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    Start with part 1. If you have a smart tv, you can stream them all from YouTube or you can cast from this link. They’re REALLY well done.


    Jericho produced this one on Benoit. The ones from last season about Macho Man and the Montreal screwjob featured Bruce Prichard and Cornie. Everything VICE does is exceptionally well put together

  6. Is it on YouTube?



    Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk




    Start with part 1. If you have a smart tv, you can stream them all from YouTube or you can cast from this link. They’re REALLY well done.


    Jericho produced this one on Benoit. The ones from last season about Macho Man and the Montreal screwjob featured Bruce Prichard and Cornie. Everything VICE does is exceptionally well put together

  7. I’m not really sold on Trouba or ADA for that kind of money. And since Trouba is already locked up, it makes it pretty obvious that ADA will have to go.


    I have an infant, so I didn’t get to watch a lot of hockey this year. But when I did watch, ADA seemed to make a lot of questionable decisions in his own end, albeit, watching him rack up points was great. Last year, I absolutely hated him. He’s really found his offensive game, but it’s questionable whether it will continue or if his not so great defensive ability will improve. How do you lock that up for 7 years at top dollar?

  8. https://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/1967183




    Even as his time in this city may be coming to a close, Henrik proves to be a class act. I don?t know if we?ll see him on the ice in a rangers sweater again, but I?m proud to have called him the face of this franchise for the last decade.

  9. Yep, this is my LT. He has told us in the past that he expects everyone to be at work if we have a huge snowstorm, even if we have plenty of people. We have people who are having child care issues right now with school being out, and we are all worried about what he is going to say. A guy that used to work with us, his 6 month old son was rushed to the hospital and was hospitalized for like a week, and he complained that he was out for a week because of that. My boss has battled with him over these issues, and this guy doesn't care. I needed off tomorrow because my wife is at work this week learning the teach from home system for the city schools, and we couldn't find anyone to take the kids. My boss gave me the day and won't tell my LT he gave me off. Its so pathetic that people have to be like this.


    I honestly hate this job and wish I never took it. I was planning on vesting at 10, but then had a son with a 1 in 100k genetic disorder and a litany of related issues. Our insurance can’t be beat. So now, I’m stuck. I’m sure me bottling up the frustration at this situation will be the cause of an alcohol problem or repeated therapist visits later on in life, lol.

  10. Get ready for 12 hour tours, it?s coming. We just heard that once we reach 3,000 out sick, we are going to 12 hour tours. They said that they are gonna pull people from the detective bureau and some of the inside details for coverage. If true, we are guessing by the end of the week.


    I have an immunosuppressed infant at home. I?m just not going to be able to come home for weeks, if I end up back out there answering radio runs.

  11. It?s dumb on Brady?s part to leave after 20 years, at 42 years old. Legends that spend their whole career with one team have a mystique that modern day athletes rarely have in the age of free agency. He?s made boat loads of money and won everything. I don?t see the point of this.
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